Schedule object
Tip The /COM object can be placed on a HTML page (with usage of the HTML object tag:  <object classid="clsid:...">)  using the class identifier: {9B09E13D-7A88-4299-9DBE-383380435377}. The object's program identifier is: "Exontrol.Schedule". The /COM object module is: "ExSchedule.dll"
The Calendar property returns the calendar panel of the schedule view. Use the OnResizeControl property on exCalendarAutoHide, to auto hide the calendar's panel. 

The following screen shot shows the control with a picture on its background (tiled):

The Schedule object supports the following properties and methods:

AllowAllDayEventScrollGets or sets a value that specifies whether the all-day event header supports scrolling.
AllowCreateAllDayEventSpecifies whether the user can create all day events.
AllowCreateEventSpecifies keys combination that allows the user to create events in the schedule view.
AllowEditEventSpecifies keys combination that allows the user to edit the event's caption in the schedule view.
AllowExchangePanelsExchanges the panels when the user clicks the giving keys combination and drag the panel to a new position.
AllowMoveEventSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to move the event.
AllowMoveEventToOtherGroupSpecifies if the event can ve moved from a group to another when dragging.
AllowMoveGroupSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to move the group.
AllowMoveMarkTimeSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to move a mark time.
AllowMoveScheduleSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to move the schedule view.
AllowMoveTimeScaleSpecifies the combination of keys to move the control's time scale.
AllowMultiDaysEventSpecifies whether the user can create events that may start on a day and ends on other.
AllowRefineMoveKeySpecifies the combination of keys to refine the start and end of events when creating, moving or resizing the events.
AllowResizeEventSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to resize the event.
AllowResizeGroupSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to resize the group.
AllowResizeScheduleSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to resize the schedule view.
AllowResizeTimeScaleSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to resize the time scale.
AllowSelectCreateEventSpecifies whether the newly created event gets selected or highlighted
AllowSelectEventSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to select events in the schedule panel.
AllowSelectEventRectSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to select events in the schedule panel, by dragging a rectangle.
AllowToggleScheduleToggles the schedule view when user double clicks it.
AllowToggleSelectKeySpecifies the combination of keys to select multiple not-contiguously events.
AllowUndoRedoEnables or disables the Undo/Redo feature.
AllowUpdateAllDayFlagIndicates if the All-Day flag for the events being moved using drop and drop are updated once the user drops the selection.
AllowUpdateDisableZoneIndicates whether the user can updates the events in the disabled part of the schedule.
AnchorFromPointRetrieves the identifier of the anchor from point.
AppearanceRetrieves or sets the control's appearance.
ApplyGroupingColorsSpecifies whether the schedule view shows the events using the colors of owner groups.
AttachTemplateAttaches a script to the current object, including the events, from a string, file, a safe array of bytes.
BackColorSpecifies the control's background color.
BackgroundReturns or sets a value that indicates the background color for parts in the control.
BeginUpdateMaintains performance when items are added to the control one at a time. This method prevents the control from painting until the EndUpdate method is called.
BodyEventBackColorSpecifies the default visual appearance of the events.
BodyEventForeColorSpecifies the default foreground color of the events.
BorderDateStyleSpecifies the style to display the border for the dates.
BorderGroupStyleSpecifies the style to display the border between groups within the date.
BorderHeightSets or retrieves a value that indicates the border height of the control.
BorderMonthStyleSpecifies the style to display the border for the months.
BorderSelStyleSpecifies the style to display the border for selected dates.
BorderTimeScaleStyleSpecifies the style to display the border for time scales.
BorderWidthSets or retrieves a value that indicates the border width of the control.
CalendarGets the schedule's calendar object.
CanRedoRetrieves a value that indicates whether the surface can perform a Redo operation.
CanUndoRetrieves a value that indicates whether the surface can perform an Undo operation.
ClearAllClears all control's collections, including the events.
ClipToSelSpecifies whether the schedule view displays the selection only.
CopyCopies the control's content to the clipboard, in the EMF format.
CopyToExports the control's view to an EMF file.
CreateEventLabelSpecifies the label to be shown while creating events.
CreateEventLabelAlignSpecifies the alignment of the label to be shown while creating events.
DataFieldAutomatically updates / synchronizes the known property of the event with the associated data field and reverse.
DataSourceRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the data source for object.
DateEventsReturns a safe array of Event objects in a giving date.
DateTimeFromPointRetrieves the date/time from the cursor, in the schedule panel.
DayEndTimeIndicates the day end time.
DayStartTimeIndicates the day start time.
DayViewHeightIndicates the height of the day's view in the schedule panel.
DayViewOffsetXIndicates the horizontal scroll position of the schedule's view.
DayViewOffsetYIndicates the vertical scroll position of the schedule's view.
DayViewWidthIndicates the width of the day's view in the schedule panel.
DefaultEventLongLabelIndicates the default long label for events.
DefaultEventPaddingReturns or sets a value that indicates the padding of the events in the control.
DefaultEventShortLabelIndicates the default short label for events.
DefaultEventTooltipIndicates the default tooltip for events.
DescriptionChanges descriptions for control objects.
DisplayGroupingButtonGets or sets a value that indicates whether the grouping button is displayed in the date header.
EditContextMenuItemsSpecifies the control's context menu, while editing the event.
EnabledEnables or disables the control.
EndBlockUndoRedoEnds recording the UI operations and adds the undo/redo operations as a block, so they all can be restored at once, if Undo method is performed.
EndUpdateResumes painting the control after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate method.
EnsureVisibleEnsures that the specified date fits the client area of the schedule view.
EventFromPointGets the Event object from the cursor, in the schedule panel.
EventParamRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the current's event parameter.
EventsGets the Events collection of the scheduler.
EventsFontRetrieves or sets the font to display the events in the schedule view.
EventsTransparentSpecifies the percent of transparency to show the events in the schedule panel.
ExecuteTemplateExecutes a template and returns the result.
FitSelToViewFits the selected dates to the current view.
FontRetrieves or sets the control's font.
ForeColorSpecifies the control's foreground color.
FormatAnchorSpecifies the visual effect for anchor elements in HTML captions.
GroupFromPointRetrieves the Group object from the cursor, in the schedule panel.
GroupHeaderFromPointRetrieves the Group's header from the cursor, in the schedule panel.
GroupHighlightEventHighlights the date in the schedule panel using the HighlightEvent property of each Group found on day's events.
GroupsRetrieves the Groups collection of the scheduler.
GroupUndoRedoActionsGroups the next to current Undo/Redo Actions in a single block.
HeaderAllDayEventHeightSpecifies the height of the All-Day events being displayed on the control's All-Day header.
HeaderDayHeightIndicates the height of the day's header.
HeaderDayLongLabelSpecifies the long label for header days.
HeaderDayShortLabelSpecifies the short label for header days.
HeaderGroupHeightIndicates the height of the group's header.
HighlightDateHighlights the specified date.
HTMLPictureAdds or replaces a picture in HTML captions.
hWndRetrieves the control's window handle.
ImagesSets at runtime the control's image list. The Handle should be a handle to an Images List Control.
ImageSizeRetrieves or sets the size of icons the control displays..
LayoutSaves or loads the control's layout, such selection in calendar/schedule panels, scroll bars, grouping, and so on.
LoadXMLLoads an XML document from the specified location, using MSXML parser.
MarkTimeFromPointGets the MarkTime object from the cursor, in the schedule panel.
MarkTimesGets the MarkTimes collection of the scheduler.
MarkZoneFromPointRetrieves the MarkZone from the cursor, in the schedule panel.
MarkZonesRetrieves the MarkZones collection of the scheduler.
NonworkingPatternsRetrieves the NonworkingPatterns collection of the scheduler.
NonworkingTimeFromPointRetrieves the NonworkingTime from the cursor, in the schedule panel.
NonworkingTimesRetrieves the NonworkingTimes collection of the scheduler, to specify different non-working time for different days.
OLEDragCauses a component to initiate an OLE drag/drop operation.
OLEDropModeReturns or sets how a target component handles drop operations
OnResizeControlSpecifies which panel is resized when the control is resized.
PaneMinWidthSpecifies the minimum width for the left or right panel.
PaneWidthSpecifies the width for the left or right panel.
PictureRetrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control.
PictureDisplayRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's background
PictureFromPointRetrieves the identifier of the picture from the point ( Event.Pictures or Event.ExtraPictures ).
PicturesGets the Pictures collection of the scheduler.
RedoRedoes the next action in the surface's Redo queue.
RedoListActionLists the Redo actions that can be performed on the surface.
RedoRemoveActionRemoves the first redo actions that can be performed on the surface.
RefreshRefreshes the control.
RemoveSelectionRemoves the selected events.
ReplaceIconAdds a new icon, replaces an icon or clears the control's image list.
SaveXMLSaves the control's content as XML document to the specified location, using the MSXML parser.
ScrollBarsReturns or sets a value that determines whether the control has horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars.
ScrollButtonHeightSpecifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
ScrollButtonWidthSpecifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
ScrollFontRetrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
ScrollHeightSpecifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
ScrollOrderPartsSpecifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
ScrollPartCaptionSpecifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
ScrollPartCaptionAlignmentSpecifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
ScrollPartEnableIndicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
ScrollPartVisibleIndicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
ScrollThumbSizeSpecifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar.
ScrollToolTipSpecifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
ScrollWidthSpecifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
SelCountIndicates the number of events being selected in the schedule panel.
SelectAllSelects all events in the control.
SelectEventColorIndicates the color to show the selected events.
SelectEventStyleSpecifies the style to display the selected event.
SelectEventTextColorIndicates the color to show the text for selected events.
SelectionReturns or sets a safe array of selected events in the schedule panel.
SelEventGets the event being selected giving its index in the selection.
ShowAllDayHeaderSpecifies whether the control shows or hides the header for All-Day events.
ShowEventLabelsIndicates whether the Label or ExtraLabel of the events are being shown or hidden.
ShowEventPicturesIndicates whether the Pictures or ExtraPictures of the events are being shown or hidden.
ShowEventsIndicates the type of the events which schedule displays.
ShowGroupingEventsSpecifies whether the schedule view shows grouped events.
ShowHighlightDateReturns or sets a value that indicates whether the control shows the highlighted dates.
ShowHighlightEventReturns or sets a value that indicates whether the schedule panel highlights days that contain events.
ShowImageListSpecifies whether the control's image list window is visible or hidden.
ShowMarkTimeIndicates whether the schedule shows the mark times.
ShowMarkZoneIndicates how the schedule panel shows the mark zones.
ShowNonworkingTimeReturns or sets a value that indicates whether the schedule panel displays nonworking time.
ShowSelectEventSpecifies whether the selected events are highlighted.
ShowStatusEventGets or sets a value that specifies whether the event's status is visible or hidden.
ShowTimeScaleSpecifies whether the control's time scale is shown on the schedule panel.
ShowToolTipShows the specified tooltip at given position.
ShowViewCompactIndicates whether the schedule view is compact, so the first day of the month starts right after the last day of the previously month, or start to a new row.
SingleGroupingViewIndicates whether the schedule shows single or multiple groups of events at once.
StartBlockUndoRedoStarts recording the UI operations as a block of undo/redo operations.
StatusEventColorIndicates the default visual appearance for the event's status.
StatusEventSizeIndicates the size of the event's status.
SynchronizeSynchronizes the control' events with the records, while the control is bounded to a recordset, using the DataSource property.
TemplateSpecifies the control's template.
TemplateDefDefines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call.
TemplatePutDefines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call.
TimeFromPointRetrieves the time from the cursor, in the schedule panel.
TimeScaleFontRetrieves or sets the font to display the time scales in the schedule view.
TimeScaleFromPointRetrieves the TimeScale object from the cursor, in the schedule panel.
TimeScalesGets the schedule's time scales collection.
ToolTipDelaySpecifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears.
ToolTipFontRetrieves or sets the tooltip's font.
ToolTipPopDelaySpecifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control.
ToolTipWidthSpecifies a value that indicates the width of the tooltip window, in pixels.
UndoPerforms the last Undo operation.
UndoListActionLists the Undo actions that can be performed on the surface.
UndoRedoQueueLengthGets or sets the maximum number of Undo/Redo actions that may be stored to the surface's queue.
UndoRemoveActionRemoves the last undo actions that can be performed on the surface.
UpdateEventsLabelSpecifies the label to be shown while moving or resizing the events.
UpdateEventsLabelAlignSpecifies the alignment of the label to be shown while moving or resizing events.
UseVisualThemeSpecifies whether the control uses the current visual theme to display certain UI parts.
VersionRetrieves the control's version.
VerticalScrollWheelIndicates the distance to scroll using the mouse wheel.
VisualAppearanceRetrieves the control's appearance.
VisualDesignInvokes the control's VisualAppearance designer.