property Schedule.ShowMarkZone as ShowMarkZoneEnum
Indicates how the schedule panel shows the mark zones.

ShowMarkZoneEnum A ShowMarkZoneEnum expression that specifies how the time-zones are shown on the control. 
The ShowMarkZone property shows or hides the added time-zones. Using the ShowMarkZone property the mark zones can be shown:

The MarkZones property gets the MarkZones collection. The MarkZones collection holds a set of MarkZone objects ( also called time-zone ). A MarkZone object holds information about a time-zone. A time-zone is identified by a Start/End date time, what can be highlighted in the schedule view. Use the Add method of the MarkZones collection to add a new time-zone to the control. The MarkZoneFromPoint property indicates the time-zone from the cursor.

The MarkZone object can:

A time-zone ( MarkZone object ) requires the Start/End to define the zone, while a timer ( MarkTime object ) requires a Time, that indicates where the timer is shown.

The following screen shot shows the time-zones on the front, exShowMarkZonesFront ( by default ):

The following screen shot shows the time-zones on the back, exShowMarkZonesBack:

The following screen shot shows the time-zones using a semi-transparent color, exShowMarkZonesSemi: