property Schedule.AllowCreateAllDayEvent as Boolean
Specifies whether the user can create all day events.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the user can create all-day events at runtime. 
By default, the AllowCreateAllDayEvent property is True. The AllowCreateAllDayEvent property has effect only when the schedule displays no time scale. At runtime, the user can create all-day events, if the schedule view displays no time scale. When the schedule view shows several dates ( or it is resized to the minimum ), so no time scale is available, the user can create all-day events by clicking a date and dragging the mouse to the day where the event should end. Use the ShowAllDayHeader property to show the schedule's All-Day header so all All-Day evens are shown on this header. The AddEvent event is fired once the user creates a new event. The UpdateEvent event is fired once the margins of the event is being changed. The Start and End properties of the Event indicates the margins of the event. The AllDayEvent property indicates an all-day event. The AllowAllDayEventScroll property gets or sets a value that specifies whether the all-day event header supports scrolling. The AllowSelectCreateEvent property specifies whether the newly created event gets selected or highlighted. 

 The AllowCreateEvent property specifies the keys combination that allows the user to create events in the schedule view. The AllowMultiDaysEvent property indicates whether the user can create events that may start on a day and ends on other. The CreateEventLabel property indicates the HTML format to be shown on the label when the user creates a new event. The CreateEventLabelAlign property aligns the label being shown when the user creates a new event.

The following screen shot shows the control with no time scale ( the schedule view has been resized using the MIDDLE mouse button ):

Newly created events have the AllDayEvent property on True, as the time scale is not available

The following screen shot shows the control with time scale ( the schedule view has been resized using the MIDDLE mouse button ):

Newly created events have the AllDayEvent property on False, as the time scale is shown