property Schedule.PictureFromPoint (X as OLE_XPOS_PIXELS, Y as OLE_YPOS_PIXELS) as String
Retrieves the identifier of the picture from the point ( Event.Pictures or Event.ExtraPictures ).

X as OLE_XPOS_PIXELS A single that specifies the current X location of the mouse pointer. The x values is always expressed in client coordinates.
Y as OLE_YPOS_PIXELS A single that specifies the current Y location of the mouse pointer. The y values is always expressed in client coordinates.
String A String expression that indicates the key of the picture from the cursor.
The MouseMove event is generated continually as the mouse pointer moves across objects. During the MouseMove event you can call the ShowToolTip method to display any custom tooltip. During the Click or RClick event you can get an UI part of the control using one of the following properties.  All ...FromPoint properties can be use such as ...FromPoint(-1,-1) to get the UI part of the control from the current mouse position, in other words, you do not have to pass any X, Y coordinates.

You can get UI parts from the cursor, using any of the following ...FromPoint properties: