TimeScale object
The TimeScale object displays the time-scale in the control. The control handles one or more time scales. Each time scale can display a different time zone, and can be aligned to any side of the schedule view. The TimeZone property defines the time zone of the time scale. The MajorTimeRuler property indicates the time to increment the major rulers, while the MinorTimeRuler property specifies the time to increment the minor rulers. The DayStartTime property defines the starting time of the day, and the DayEndTime property defines the ending time of the day.

The TimeScale object shows the control's time scale in red:

The TimeScale object supports the following properties and methods:

AlignLeftSpecifies whether the time scale is aligned to left or to the right of the scheduler.
AllowResizeSpecifies whether the user can resize the TimeScale object.
BackColorSpecifies the TimeScale's background color.
CaptionIndicates the caption to be displayed on the TimeScale's header.
CaptionAlignIndicates the alignment of the TimeScale's caption.
CaptionBackColorSpecifies the background color for the TimeScale's caption.
CaptionForeColorSpecifies the foreground color for the TimeScale's caption.
ForeColorSpecifies the TimeScale's foreground color.
IndexIndicates the index of the time scale object in the TimeScales collection.
MajorLabelColorSpecifies the foreground color to display the labels of major rulers.
MajorTimeLabelIndicates the label to be displayed on the major ruler of the current TimeScale object.
MajorTimeLabelPlainTextSpecifies whether the major label is a plain text or a formatted HTML text.
MajorTimeRulerIndicates the major increment for the current time scale.
MaxWidthGets or sets a value that indicates the maximum width for the current TimeScale object.
MinorLabelColorSpecifies the foreground color to display the labels of minor rulers.
MinorTimeLabelIndicates the label to be displayed on the minor ruler of the current TimeScale object.
MinorTimeLabelPlainTextSpecifies whether the minor label is a plain text or a formatted HTML text.
MinorTimeRulerIndicates the minor increment for the current time scale.
MinWidthGets or sets a value that indicates the minimum width for the current TimeScale object.
PositionGets or sets the position of the current time scale.
RulerBackColorSpecifies the background color for TimeScale's ruler.
TimeZoneIndicates the time zone for the current time scale.
ToolTipIndicates the tooltip of the TimeScale object.
UserDataIndicates any extra data associated with the TimeScale object.
VisibleSpecifies whether the TimeScale is visible or hidden.
WidthGets or sets a value that indicates the TimeScale's width, in pixels.