NonworkingTime object
The NonworkingTime object defines the non-working time-interval. Each NonworkingTime object can associate a NonworkingPattern object to define the colors/pattern to display the non-working time-interval. The NonworkingPattern object holds the colors/pattern to display a non-working time-interval. The ID property of NonworkingPattern defines the identifier of the pattern/color. The IDNonworkingPattern property of the NonworkingTime object indicates the identifier of the NonworkingPattern object to be displayed on the non-working interval.

The NonworkingPattern object supports the following properties and methods:

EndTimeIndicates the end time of the non-working zone.
ExpressionIndicates the expression that defines the non-working zone.
GroupIDSpecifies the ID of Group objects to apply the nonworking-time.
HandleGets handle of the NonworkingTime object.
IDNonworkingPatternIndicates the pattern to show the non-working zone.
IndexGets the index of the NonworkingTime object in its collection.
IsValidSpecifies the giving expression is valid, so the non-working zone is applicable.
NonworkingPatternIndicates the current pattern to display the non-working zone.
StartTimeIndicates the start time of the non-working zone.