Group object
A Group object holds information about the event's group. The control can display events on different groups aligned on columns. The Add method of the Groups collection adds a new group to the control. The GroupID property of the Event specifies the identifier of the Group that hosts the event. The Groups collection is accessible through the Groups property of the control. 

The Group object supports the following properties and methods.

AlignmentIndicates the alignment of the caption/title of the Group object.
CalendarHighlightEventGives access to the Highlight object, so you can customize highlighting the events of this group, in the calendar panel.
CaptionSpecifies the HTML caption of the group.
EventBackColorSpecifies the background color or the visual appearance of the events in the same group.
EventForeColorSpecifies the foreground color of the events in the same group.
EventPatternSpecifies the pattern to display the events in the same group.
HeaderBackColorSpecifies the background color or the visual appearance of the header's group.
HeaderForeColorSpecifies the foreground color of the header's group.
HeaderPatternSpecifies the pattern to show the group's header
IDGets or sets the identifier of the current group.
IndexIndicates the index of the Group object in the Groups collection.
PositionGets or sets the position of the current group.
ScheduleHighlightEventGives access to the Highlight object, so you can customize highlighting the events of this group, in the schedule panel.
TitleIndicates the title of the group.
ToolTipIndicates the tooltip of the group.
UserDataIndicates any extra data associated with the Group object.
VisibleIndicates whether the group is visible or hidden.
WidthGets or sets the width of the current group.