property Event.GroupID as Long
Specifies the identifier of the group where the Event object belongs.

Long A Long expression that specifies the identifier of the group where the event belongs.
By default the GroupID property is 1. The GroupID property has effect when you need to display events or appointments on different groups. The Item property of the Groups collection can be used to access the Group object based on its identifier. The associated Group of the event may handle the colors, patter to display the event using the EventBackColor, EventForeColor , EventPattern properties. The group colors are being applied if the ApplyGroupingColors property is True. When the user moves an event from a group to another, at runtime, the GroupID property may be changed, and the UpdateEvent event occurs.

The control displays groups if:

If the control displays groups the GroupID property of the newly created event is automatically updated with the group where the event has been created. The AllowMoveEventToOtherGroup property specifies whether the user can move an event from a group to another at runtime. The AllowMoveEventToOtherGroup property on False, prevents moving events from a group to another, at runtime.