property Group.HeaderPattern as Pattern
Specifies the pattern to show the group's header

Pattern A Pattern object to specify the pattern to be shown on the group's header. 
By default, the Type property of the HeaderPattern property is exPatternEmpty which indicates that no pattern is shown. The Type property indicates the pattern to display on the group's header. The Color property indicates the color to display the pattern. The FrameColor property indicates the color to show the frame, if the exPatternFrame flag is included in the Type property. The EventPattern property gives access to the group's Header pattern. The HeaderGroupHeight property indicates the height of the group's header relative to the control's font height. The group's header does not clip its caption or title to the header section, to allow displaying the HTML text or pictures on the Group's client as in the following screen shot. The Caption property indicates the HTML caption to be displayed on the Group's header. The Title property indicates the title to be shown when the user drop down the grouping button. The control displays Caption or Title on the control's header based on the date's size. If the date is too small, the title may be displayed instead caption. By default, You can resize the schedule view, by dragging the mouse while clicking the middle mouse button.