property Schedule.ShowViewCompact as ShowViewCompactEnum
Indicates whether the schedule view is compact, so the first day of the month starts right after the last day of the previously month, or start to a new row.

ShowViewCompactEnum A ShowViewCompactEnum expression that specifies whether the schedule view is shown compact.
By default, the ShowViewCompact property is exViewCalendar(0). The ShowViewCompact property specifies the  way the control shows/layouts the dates in the schedule view.

The ShowViewCompact property can arrange the dates, in the schedule view:

The following screen shot shows the schedule view, for ShowViewCompact property on exViewCalendar:

The following screen shot shows the schedule view, for ShowViewCompact property on exViewCalendarCompact:

The following screen shot shows the schedule view, for ShowViewCompact property on exViewSingleRow:

The following screen shot shows the schedule view, for ShowViewCompact property on exViewSingleColumn:

The following screen shot shows the schedule view, for ShowViewCompact property on exViewSingleWeek: