constants ShowViewCompactEnum
The ShowViewCompactEnum type indicates the way the control can show dates in the schedule panel. The ShowViewCompact property specifies the  way the control arranges  the dates in the schedule view.

exViewCalendar0 Default. The schedule view arranges the days as they are shown in the calendar panel.
exViewCalendarCompact-1 The schedule view arranges the days as they are shown in the calendar panel, excepts that the first day of the month starts right after the last day of the previously month, or start to a new row.
exViewSingleRow1 The schedule view arranges all days to a single row ( horizontally ).
exViewSingleColumn2 The schedule view arranges all days to a single column (vertically).
exViewSingleRowLockHeader3 The schedule view arranges all days to a single row (horizontally), while the date header is shown/locked on the top while the chart is vertically scrolled.
exViewSingleWeek4 The schedule view displays weekdays vertically across 7 rows.