property Schedule.ShowMarkTime as Boolean
Indicates whether the schedule shows the mark times.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the control shows or hides the timers.
By default, The ShowMarkTime property is True, which indicates that all added timers are visible. The ShowMarkTime property indicates whether the schedule view displays timers. The AllowMoveMarkTime property indicates the keys to allow user to move timers ( with the Movable property on True ). The MarkTimeFromPoint property indicates the timer from the cursor. The MarkTimes property gets a collection of MarkTime objects, also called timers. The MarkTime object indicates a line in the schedule view, at a specified time. The Add method of MarkTimes collection adds a new timer to the schedule view. The MarkTimes collection is accessible through the MarkTimes property of the control.  

The MarkTime object, also called timer, can be used to: