property Schedule.VisualAppearance as Appearance
Retrieves the control's appearance.

Appearance An Appearance object that holds the EBN objects, that can be applied on any UI part of the control.
The component lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure. Skins are relatively easy to build and put on any part of the control. The Appearance object holds a collection of skins. The control provides the VisualDesign property that allows you to easily change the control's visual appearance at design mode. Also, the VisualDesign property can be used at runtime to specify a visual appearance, by setting the VisualDesign property with a new generated value. The UseVisualTheme property indicates whether the current visual theme is applied to parts of the control.

Use the Add method to add or replace skins to the control. The skin method, in it's simplest form, uses a single graphic file (*.ebn) assigned to a part of the control. By using a collection of objects laid over the graphic, it is possible to define which sections of the graphic will be used as borders, corners and other possible elements, fixing them to their proper position regardless of the size of the part.

Here's a screen shot skins a few UI parts of the component, using the EBN objects :