constants EventKnownPropertyEnum
The EventKnowPropertyEnum defines the value in the "<%=%VALUE%>" expression that can be used by label properties as follows:

For instance, the Event.ExtraLabel = "<%=%5%>, <%=%262%>", displays automatically the event's caption and the group's label where the event belongs in the bottom side of the control. If the caption or the owner group of the event is changed, the ExtraLabel is automatically updated with the new values. 

The known and supported values are:

exEventStartDateTime1 Indicates the starting date/time of the event. This property gets or sets the Start property of the event. The Start property defines the lower margin of the event, and it includes the date and the time values. The exEventStartDate specifies the DATE value only, while the exEventStartTime includes the TIME value only. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=weekday(%1)%>" displays the day of the week where the event starts.

(DATE expression)

exEventEndDateTime2 Indicates the ending date/time of the event. This property gets or sets the End property of the event. The End property defines the upper margin of the event, and it includes the date and the time values. The exEventEndDate specifies the DATE value only, while the exEventEndTime includes the TIME value only. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=weekday(%2)%>" gets the day of the week where the event ends.

(DATE expression)

exEventAllDay3 Indicates if the current event is an all day event. This property is equivalent with the event's AllDayEvent property which indicates if the current event is an all-day event. This property may returns a boolean value, or 0(False) and -1(True). For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%3 ? `All-Day-Event: `: ``%><%=%256%>", displays automatically an "All-Day-Event: " prefix for all-day events. If the event is not an all-day event, the <%=%256%>, or exEventDisplayShortMargins, short margins of the events are displayed.

(Boolean expression)

exEventGroupID4 Indicates the identifier of the event's group. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%4%><br><%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's identifier, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.

(Long expression)

exEventCaption5 Indicates the caption of the event. The Caption property of the event specifies the custom caption that can be displayed on the label, without having to change the event's label. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%><br><%=%5%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's caption. Once you update or edit the event's Caption, the event's body automatically shows the new caption.

(String expression)

exEventUserData6 Indicates the extra data associated with the event. The UserData property of the event indicates an extra data associated with the event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%><br><%=%6%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's user data. Once you update or edit the event's UserData, the event's body automatically shows the new label.

(Variant expression)

exEventDuration7 Gets or sets the duration of the event. The returned values is of float type, and it indicates the duration of the event in days. For instance, the 1.5 indicates, 1 day and 12 hours. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%><br><%=((1:=int(0:= (date(%2)-date(%1)))) != 0 ? (=:1 + ' day(s)') : '') + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=int(0:=((=:0 - =:1 + 1/24/60/60/2)*24))) != 0 ? =:1 + ' hour(s)' : '' ) + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=round((=:0 - =:1)*60)) != 0 ? =:1 + ' min(s)' : '')%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's durations in days, hours and minutes. Once you update or edit the event's margins, the event's body automatically shows the new length. You can use the MoveBy method to delay the current event with a specified value time. You can use the KnownProperty(exEventDuration) to change the event's duration.

(Float expression)

exEventRepetitiveExpression8 Specifies the repetitive expression of the event. The Repetitive property of the event indicates the expression that determines whether the event is repetitive. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%><br><%=len(%8)? `repetitive event`:``%>" displays repetitive event for repetitive events.

(String expression)

exEventShortLabel9 Specifies the short label of the event. This value returns the same value as ShortLabel property of the Event object. The ShortLabel property is shown if the event's body is too small. You can use this flag to associate the event's ShortLabel property to a field in the database, using the DataField property, when the DataSource property is used. 

(String Expression)

exEventLongLabel10 Specifies the long label of the event. This value returns the same value as LongLabel property of the Event object. You can use this flag to associate the event's LongLabel property to a field in the database, using the DataField property, when the DataSource property is used.

(String Expression)

exEventExtraLabel11 Specifies the extra label of the event. This value returns the same value as ExtraLabel property of the Event object. You can use this flag to associate the event's ExtraLabel property to a field in the database, using the DataField property, when the DataSource property is used.

(String Expression)

exEventID12 Specifies the event's unique identifier. You can use this flag to associate the event's identifier property to a field in the database ( usually the ID field in the table ), using the DataField property, when the DataSource property is used.

(Long expression)

exEventBodyBackColor13 Specifies the background color or the visual appearance of the event (body), equivalent of BodyBackColor property.

(Long expression)

exEventBodyForeColor14 Specifies the foreground color of the event (body), equivalent of BodyForeColor property.

(Long expression)

exEventBodyPattern15 Specifies the pattern of the event (body), equivalent of BodyPattern property.

(String expression)

exEventShowStatus16 Specifies whether the current event shows or hides its status, equivalent of ShowStatus property.

(Boolean expression)

exEventStatusColor17 Specifies the color of the event's status, equivalent of StatusColor property.

(Long expression)

exEventStatusPattern18 Specifies the pattern to show the event's status, equivalent of StatusPattern property.

(String expression)

exEventLabelAlign19 Indicates the alignment of the event's long label, equivalent of LabelAlign property.

(ContentAlignmentEnum expression)

exEventExtraLabelAlign20 Indicates the alignment of the event's extra label, equivalent of ExtraLabelAlign property.

(ContentAlignmentEnum expression)

exEventToolTip21 Indicates the tooltip to be shown when the cursor hovers the event, equivalent of ToolTip property.

(String expression)

exEventToolTipTitle22 Indicates the title of the tooltip to be shown when the cursor hovers the event, equivalent of ToolTipTitle property.

(String expression)

exEventPictures23 Specifies the list of pictures to be displayed on the event, equivalent of Pictures property.

(String expression)

exEventPicturesAlign24 Indicates the alignment of the event's picture, equivalent of PicturesAlign property.

(ContentAlignmentEnum expression)

exEventExtraPictures25 Specifies the list of extra pictures to be displayed on the event, equivalent of ExtraPictures property.

(String expression)

exEventExtraPicturesAlign26 Indicates the alignment of the event's extra picture, equivalent of ExtraPicturesAlign property.

(ContentAlignmentEnum expression)

exEventEditable27 Specifies whether the event's caption is editable, equivalent of Editable property.

(EditableCaptionEnum expression)

exEventBodyBackgroundExt28 Indicates additional colors, text, images that can be displayed on the event's background using the EBN string format, equivalent of BodyBackgroundExt property.

(String expression)

EXEVENTMAX29 Holds the count of properties (for internal use only)
exEventDisplayShortMargins256 Displays the margins of the event in a short format (read-only). The ShortDateFormat property defines the short date format. The ShortTimeFormat property defines the short time format.

(String expression)

exEventDisplayLongMargins257 Displays the margins of the event in a long format (read-only). The LongDateFormat property defines the long date format. The LongTimeFormat property defines the long time format. 

(String expression)

exEventStartDate258 Gets the starting date ( not including the time ) of the current event (read-only). You can use this property to get the starting date of the event. 

(DATE expression)

exEventStartTime259 Gets the starting time ( not including the date ) of the current event (read-only). You can use this property to get the starting time of the event.

(DATE expression, a value from 0 to 1)

exEventEndDate260 Gets the ending date ( not including the time ) of the current event (read-only). You can use this property to get the ending date of the event.

(DATE expression)

exEventEndTime261 Gets the ending time ( not including the date ) of the current event (read-only). You can use this property to get the ending time of the event.

(DATE expression, a value from 0 to 1)

exEventGroupLabel262 Gets the label of the owner group (read-only). The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%262%><br><%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's caption, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.

(String expression)

exEventGroupTitle263 Gets the title of the owner group (read-only). The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event.  The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%263%><br><%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's caption, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.

(String expression)

exEventRepetitive264 Indicates if the current event is a repetitive event. (read-only). You can use this flag to specify whether Repetitive property is not empty, and valid.

(Boolean expression)

exEventDataSourceBookmark265 exEventDataSourceBookmark. Indicates the bookmark of the record associated with the current event (DataSource, read-only).