constants EditableCaptionEnum
The EditableCaptionEnum type indicates the event's property being edited when user double clicks the event. The Editable property indicates the property of the event to be edited when user double clicks the event. The AllowEditEvent property specifies the combination of keys that the user can use so the event gets inline editing. The EditableCaptionEnum type supports the following values:

exNoEditable0 The event's caption is not editable.
exEditCaption1 The event's Caption property is editable.
exEditShortLabel2 The event's ShortLabel property is editable.
exEditLongLabel3 The event's LongLabel property is editable.
exEditExtraLabel4 (Default). The event's ExtraLabel property is editable.
exEditRepetitive5 The event's Repetitive property is editable.
exEditAcceptsReturn16 Specifies that the ENTER key inserts new lines during edit. The exEditAcceptsReturn flag can be combined with any other value.