property Calendar.GroupHighlightEvent as Boolean
Highlights the date in the calendar panel using the CalendarHighlightEvent property of each Group found on day's events.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the dates in the calendar panel using the Calendar HighlightEvent property of each Group found on day's events

By default, the GroupHighlightEvent property is False. The GroupHighlightEvent property specifies if events are highlighted using the HighlightEvent property ( False ), or using the  CalendarHighlightEvent property of the Group that event belongs to (True). The ShowHighlightEvent property specifies whether the calendar panel highlights the events in the calendar panel. The ScheduleHighlightEvent property specifies the visual appearance of dates with events in the schedule panel. The GroupID property indicates the identifier of the event's group.

The following screen shot shows the dates with events when GroupHighlightEvent property is True: