property CustomView.ControlID as String
Specifies the program identifier of the control used to define the custom view.

String A string expression that defines the program identifier of the control to create and use instead of the pivot table as follows.

The ControlID must be formatted in one of the following ways:

  • A ProgID such as "Exontrol.Graph"
  • A CLSID such as "{8E27C92B-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02}"
  • A URL such as ""
  • A reference to an Active document such as "c:\temp\myfile.doc", or "c:\temp\picture.gif"
  • A fragment of HTML such as "MSHTML:<HTML><BODY>This is a line of text</BODY></HTML>"
  • A fragment of XML

If the control you want to insert fails, you can add the "A2X:" prefix to the ControlID, like this:

  • A ProgID such as "A2X:Exontrol.Graph"
  • A CLSID such as "A2X:{8E27C92B-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02}"
  • A URL such as "A2X:"
  • A reference to an Active document such as "A2X:c:\temp\myfile.doc", or "c:\temp\picture.gif"
  • A fragment of HTML such as "A2X:MSHTML:<HTML><BODY>This is a line of text</BODY></HTML>"

If the ControlID is not registered a message like '<ControlID>' component creation failed as in the following screen shot:

If this message is displayed please make sure that:

  • The eXGraph control is installed (use /COM for the eXPivot/COM version, /NET for the eXPivot/NET version, and so on)
  • The License property has been set
The ControlID property specifies the program identifier of the control used to define the custom view. For instance, if the ControlID property is set to "exontrol.graph", the eXPivot control automatically uses the Data to update the graph charts based on the current arrangement as in the below pictures. The Object property gets the control that defines the custom view. The Object property returns Nothing if the creation of the control based on the ControlID and License properties fails. The OleEvent event occurs whenever the custom view fires an event. The ViewChange event is triggered whenever there is a change in the control's view. The Visible property switches the view between the pivot table and the graph/custom view.

Please note the following for the /NET version:

The following properties can be used to summarize your data:


starting from a data as: