new BackgroundOptions()
The BackgroundOptions object defines options to show different parts of the control, and it is stored by background option of the Schedule.Options
For instance, the "majorTimeRulerColor" option:
background: { majorTimeRulerColor: "red" }shows the major-rulers of the schedule panel in red
(static) eventContinueDay :string
The eventContinueDay field specifies the up/down/keft/right arrow's color when event continues on previously or next day (multi-dates event), single-date event starts before time-scale's start time, ends after time-scale's end time.
- string
(static) groupingButtonCaption :string
The groupingButtonCaption field specifies the caption of the header's grouping-button.
- string
(static) majorTimeRulerColor :string
The majorTimeRulerColor field specifies the color of the major ruler line, within the schedule panel.
- string
(static) majorTimeRulerStyle :any
The majorTimeRulerStyle field specifies the style of the major ruler line, within the schedule panel.
- any
(static) timeScaleMajorTimeRulerColor :string
The timeScaleMajorTimeRulerColor field specifies the color of the timeScaleMajor ruler line, within the time-scale panel.
- string
(static) timeScaleMajorTimeRulerStyle :any
The timeScaleMajorTimeRulerStyle field specifies the style of the timeScaleMajor ruler line, within the time-scale panel.
- any
(static) timeScaleMinorTimeRulerColor :string
The timeScaleMinorTimeRulerColor field specifies the color of the timeScaleMinor ruler line, within the time-scale panel.
- string
(static) timeScaleMinorTimeRulerStyle :any
The timeScaleMinorTimeRulerStyle field specifies the style of the timeScaleMinor ruler line, within the time-scale panel.
- any