


The Diff(oS1,oS2) method gets the difference between oS1 and oS2 (it returns values of oS2)


The Restore(oLayers,mSave) method restores the states/values ("DefaultOffsetX", "OffsetX", "DefaultOffsetY", "OffsetY", "DefaultRotateAngle", "RotateAngle" and "Value") for all layers, previously saved by Save() method.


The Save(oLayers) method saves the states/values ("DefaultOffsetX", "OffsetX", "DefaultOffsetY", "OffsetY", "DefaultRotateAngle", "RotateAngle" and "Value") for all layers, and returns a map of [Layer => {OffsetX,OffsetY,RotateAngle}] type that includes the value for each state/property (as numeric).

code :any

The code field holds any extra-data that identifies the hit-test element. Holds any extra-data that identifies the hit-test element. You can use the code as ohitTest.code, during the ohitTest.callback
  • any

thisArg :any

The thisArg field defines the value of this keyword during the callback of ohitTest object.
  • any



The callback field defines the callback(event,ohitTest) that's invoked as soon as the user clicks or touch the hit-test element. Indicatea a callback function that's invoked as soon as the user clicks or touch the hit-test element. The callback provides two parameters as: event {MouseEvent/TouchEvent}, defines the event that generated the click or touch of the hit-test element ohitTest {object}, indicates the original hit-test object of type {code,callback,thisArg} that initiated the click or touch of the hit-test element The this keyword during the callback is thisArg of ohitTest object