Class: Cell


new Cell()

The Cell type defines additional properties and methods of the Cell(extree) type. The cell is the intersection of an Item with a Column. The Cell(item,column) method returns the cell based on the item and column.


(static) ValueToItemBar(property, key)

The ValueToItemBar() method associates a different property or a different bar with the current cell. The column's valueToItemBarProperty/valueToItemBarKey options define a relation/association between a specified property bar and the value of the cell within the entire column.
Name Type Description
property any Specifies the property of the bar the cell displays as one of the following:

value of Gantt.ItemBarPropertyEnum type

  • -1 or negative {number}, no property assigned
  • 0 {number}, (exBarName) equivalent of 'name' option of the item-bar, indicates the bar's name (defines the bar's visual appearance)
  • 1 {number}, (exBarStart) equivalent of 'start' option of the item-bar, specifies the date-time the bar starts from
  • 2 {number}, (exBarEnd) equivalent of 'end' option of the item-bar, specifies the date-time the bar ends to
  • 3 {number}, (exBarCaption) equivalent of 'caption' option of the item-bar, specifies the caption to display within the bar
  • 4 {number}, (exBarHAlignCaption) equivalent of 'hAlignCaption' option of the item-bar, specifies the horizontal-alignment / clipping of the item-bar's caption inside / outside the bar
  • 5 {number}, (exBarVAlignCaption) equivalent of 'vAlignCaption' option of the item-bar, specifies the vertical-alignment of the item-bar's caption inside / outside the bar
  • 6 {number}, (exBarToolTip) equivalent of 'toolTip' option of the item-bar, specifies the tooltip to be shown once the cursor hovers the bar
  • 9 {number}, (exBarKey) equivalent of 'key' option of the item-bar, indicates the bar's key (used only if item hosts multiple bars)
  • 10 {number}, (exBarCanResize) equivalent of 'canResize' option of the item-bar, specifies whether the user can resize the bar on both margins by drag (requires to be selectable too)
  • 11 {number}, (exBarCanMove) equivalent of 'canMove' option of the item-bar, specifies whether the user can move the bar within the same item by drag (requires to be selectable too)
  • 12 {number}, (exBarPercent) equivalent of 'percent' option of the item-bar, specifies the bar's percent, as a value from 0 to 1 (for 100%)
  • 13 {number}, (exBarPercentCaptionFormat) equivalent of 'percentCaptionFormat' option of the item-bar, specifies the HTML format to display the bar's percent
  • 14 {number}, (exBarShowPercentCaption) equivalent of 'showPercentCaption' option of the item-bar, shows or hides the bar's percent-caption
  • 15 {number}, (exBarAlignPercentCaption) equivalent of 'alignPercentCaption' option of the item-bar, horizontally aligns the bar's percent-caption
  • 16 {number}, (exBarCanResizePercent) equivalent of 'canResizePercent' option of the item-bar, specifies whether the user can resize the percent at runtime
  • 18 {number}, (exBarOffset) equivalent of 'offset' option of the item-bar, indicates the vertical-offset relative to the default position, the bar is displayed
  • 21 {number}, (exBarEffort) equivalent of 'effort' option of the item-bar, indicates the bar's effort, or the effort to execute an unit within the bar (bar's histogram value)
  • 28 {number}, (exBarCanMoveToAnother) equivalent of 'canMoveToAnother' option of the item-bar, specifies whether the bar can be moved to another item by drag and drop (requires to be selectable too)
  • 29 {number}, (exBarSelectable) equivalent of 'selectable' option of the item-bar, indicates whether the item-bar is selectable or unselectable
  • 33 {number}, (exBarColor) equivalent of 'shape' option of the item-bar, defines the bar's individual-shape
  • 41 {number}, (exBarOverviewColor) equivalent of 'overviewColor' option of the item-bar, defines the bar's individual overview-color (the color to show this particular bar within the control's overview panel)
  • 44 {number}, (exBarExtraCaption) equivalent of 'extraCaption' option of the item-bar, specifies the extra caption to display within the bar
  • 45 {number}, (exBarExtraCaptionHAlign) equivalent of 'extraCaptionHAlign' option of the item-bar, specifies the horizontal-alignment / clipping of the item-bar's extra caption inside / outside the bar
  • 46 {number}, (exBarExtraCaptionVAlign) equivalent of 'extraCaptionVAlign' option of the item-bar, specifies the vertical-alignment of the item-bar's extra caption inside / outside the bar
  • 52 {number}, (exBarOverlaidKey) equivalent of 'overlaidKey' option of the item-bar, specifies the z-order of the bar when it overlaps other bars (exOverlaidBarsCascade type)
  • 56 {number}, (exBarShowCaption) equivalent of 'showCaption' option of the item-bar, shows or hides the bar's caption
  • 57 {number}, (exBarShowExtraCaption) equivalent of 'showExtraCaption' option of the item-bar, shows or hides the bar's extra caption
  • 60 {number}, (exBarHistLegend) equivalent of 'histLegend' option of the item-bar, shows or hides the bar's description within the histogram-legend
  • 269 {number}, (exBarCriticalPath) equivalent of 'criticalPath' option of the item-bar, indicates whether the current bar is part of the critical path (currently, the exBarCriticalPath property specifies the position (1-based) of the bar in the critical path)
  • 270 {number}, (exBarPredecessor) equivalent of 'predecessor' option of the item-bar, indicates the list of predecessor bars (INDEX1['SF'|'FS'|'FF'|'SS'][KEY][:['W']LAG|:LAG['W']] format), separated by comma (@since 2.3)
  • 271 {number}, (exBarSuccessor) equivalent of 'successor' option of the item-bar, indicates the list of successor bars (INDEX1['SF'|'FS'|'FF'|'SS'][KEY][:['W']LAG|:LAG['W']] format), separated by comma (@since 2.3)
  • 512 {number}, (exBarParent) equivalent of 'parent' option of the item-bar, gets the item that hosts the item bar
  • 513 {number}, (exBarDuration) equivalent of 'duration' option of the item-bar, gets the item-bar's duration or length in days

field of BarOptions type

  • "" {string}, no property assigned
  • "alignPercentCaption" {string}, equivalent of exBarAlignPercentCaption(15), horizontally aligns the bar's percent-caption
  • "canMove" {string}, equivalent of exBarCanMove(11), specifies whether the user can move the bar within the same item by drag (requires to be selectable too)
  • "canMoveToAnother" {string}, equivalent of exBarCanMoveToAnother(28), specifies whether the bar can be moved to another item by drag and drop (requires to be selectable too)
  • "canResize" {string}, equivalent of exBarCanResize(10), specifies whether the user can resize the bar on both margins by drag (requires to be selectable too)
  • "canResizePercent" {string}, equivalent of exBarCanResizePercent(16), specifies whether the user can resize the percent at runtime
  • "caption" {string}, equivalent of exBarCaption(3), specifies the caption to display within the bar
  • "criticalPath" {string}, equivalent of exBarCriticalPath(269), indicates whether the current bar is part of the critical path (currently, the exBarCriticalPath property specifies the position (1-based) of the bar in the critical path)
  • "duration" {string}, equivalent of exBarDuration(513), gets the item-bar's duration or length in days
  • "effort" {string}, equivalent of exBarEffort(21), indicates the bar's effort, or the effort to execute an unit within the bar (bar's histogram value)
  • "end" {string}, equivalent of exBarEnd(2), specifies the date-time the bar ends to
  • "extraCaption" {string}, equivalent of exBarExtraCaption(44), specifies the extra caption to display within the bar
  • "extraCaptionHAlign" {string}, equivalent of exBarExtraCaptionHAlign(45), specifies the horizontal-alignment / clipping of the item-bar's extra caption inside / outside the bar
  • "extraCaptionVAlign" {string}, equivalent of exBarExtraCaptionVAlign(46), specifies the vertical-alignment of the item-bar's extra caption inside / outside the bar
  • "hAlignCaption" {string}, equivalent of exBarHAlignCaption(4), specifies the horizontal-alignment / clipping of the item-bar's caption inside / outside the bar
  • "key" {string}, equivalent of exBarKey(9), indicates the bar's key (used only if item hosts multiple bars)
  • "name" {string}, equivalent of exBarName(0), defines the bar's name (defines the bar's visual appearance)
  • "offset" {string}, equivalent of exBarOffset(18), indicates the vertical-offset relative to the default position, the bar is displayed
  • "overlaidKey" {string}, equivalent of exBarOverlaidKey(52), specifies the z-order of the bar when it overlaps other bars (exOverlaidBarsCascade type)
  • "overviewColor" {string}, equivalent of exBarOverlaidKey(41), defines the bar's individual overview-color (the color to show this particular bar within the control's overview panel)
  • "parent" {string}, equivalent of exBarParent(512), gets the item that hosts the item bar
  • "percent" {string}, equivalent of exBarPercent(12), specifies the bar's percent, as a value from 0 to 1 (for 100%)
  • "percentCaptionFormat" {string}, equivalent of exBarPercentCaptionFormat(13), specifies the HTML format to display the bar's percent
  • "selectable" {string}, equivalent of exBarSelectable(29), indicates whether the item-bar is selectable or unselectable
  • "shape" {string}, equivalent of exBarColor(33), defines the bar's individual-shape
  • "showCaption" {string}, equivalent of exBarShowCaption(56), shows or hides the bar's caption
  • "showExtraCaption" {string}, equivalent of exBarShowExtraCaption(57), shows or hides the bar's extra caption
  • "showPercentCaption" {string}, equivalent of exBarShowPercentCaption(14), shows or hides the bar's percent-caption
  • "start" {string}, equivalent of exBarStart(1), specifies the date-time the bar starts from
  • "toolTip" {string}, equivalent of exBarToolTip(6), specifies the tooltip to be shown once the cursor hovers the bar
  • "vAlignCaption" {string}, equivalent of exBarVAlignCaption(5), specifies the vertical-alignment of the item-bar's caption inside / outside the bar
  • "histLegend" {string}, equivalent of exBarHistLegend(60), specifies the description to show within the histogram's legend for the bar in the control's histogram
  • "predecessor" {string}, equivalent of exBarPredecessor(270), indicates the list of predecessor bars (INDEX1['SF'|'FS'|'FF'|'SS'][KEY][:['W']LAG|:LAG['W']] format), separated by comma (@since 2.3)
  • "successor" {string}, equivalent of exBarSuccessor(271), indicates the list of successor bars (INDEX1['SF'|'FS'|'FF'|'SS'][KEY][:['W']LAG|:LAG['W']] format), separated by comma (@since 2.3)
key string Indicates the key of the bars whose property is shown in the cell
oItemBar.Parent.Cell("Start").ValueToItemBar("start",oItemBar.Key), associates the value of the cell within the "Start" column with the "start" property of the item-bar
 oItemBar.Parent.Cell("End").ValueToItemBar("end",oItemBar.Key), associates the value of the cell within the "End" column with the "end" property of the item-bar
 oItemBar.Parent.Cell("Duration").ValueToItemBar("duration",oItemBar.Key), associates the value of the cell within the "Duration" column with the "duration" property of the item-bar

where oItemBar is an object of ItemBar type