property MarkTimes.Item (Key as Variant) as MarkTime
Returns a specific MarkTime of the MarkTimes collection, giving its key.

Key as Variant A Key expression that indicates the key of the timer object being requested.
MarkTime A MarkTime object, called timer, to be requested, or empty/nothing/NULL, if no timer with specified key has been found.
The Item property gives the timer object based on its key. The Count property gets the number of the MarkTime objects in the MarkTimes collection. The Add method of MarkTimes collection adds a new timer to the schedule view, with a specified key. The ShowMarkTime property indicates whether the schedule view displays timers. The AllowMoveMarkTime property indicates the keys to allow user to move timers ( with the Movable property on True ). The MarkTimeFromPoint property indicates the timer from the cursor. The for each statement is supported by the MarkTimes collection, so the MarkTimes collection can be enumerated using a sample like  for each mt in MarkTimes