property Layer.RotateCenterLayer as Long
Indicates the index of the layer the rotation is around. If -1, the rotation is relative to the current layer.

Long A Long expression that indicates the index of the layer that holds the rotation center.
By default, the RotateCenterLayer property is 0, which indicates that all layers are rotated relative to the first layer. If the RotateCenterLayer property is -1, the rotation is performed around the layer itself. Use the DefaultLayer(exDefLayerRotateCenterLayer) property to specify the default value for the RotateCenterLayer property, before adding the layer.

The following properties can be used to specify a different rotation center:

The following picture shows the rotation properties of the Layer, relative to the RotateCenterLayer layer:

Any of the following properties can be used to rotate the layer:

The following properties can be used to change the rotation center, while the layer's OnDrag property is exDoRotamove: