property Items.Link(LinkKey as Variant, Property as LinkPropertyEnum) as Variant
Gets or sets a property for a link.

LinkKey as Variant A String expression that indicates the key of the link being accessed. The LinkKey may include a pattern with wild characters as *,?,# or [], if the Key starts with "<" and ends on ">" aka "<K*>" which indicates all links with the key K or starts on K. The pattern may include a space which divides multiple patterns for matching. For instance "<A* *K>" indicates all keys that start on A and all keys that end on K.
Property as LinkPropertyEnum A LinkPropertyEnum expression that specifies the option being accessed.
Variant A Variant value that indicates the newly value for the property.
Use the Link property to access different properties for a specified link. Use the AddLink method to add a new link between two bars. For instance, the Link(exLinkShowDir) property indicates whether the arrow of the link that specifies the direction, is shown or hidden. Use the RemoveLink method to remove a specific link. Use the FirstLink and NextLink properties to enumerate the links in the control. Use the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods to maintain performance while adding columns, items, bars or links. Use the HTMLPicture property to add custom size pictures. Use the LinkFromPoint property to get the key of the link from the cursor. Use the Link(,exLinkToolTip) property to specify the tooltip to be shown when the cursor hovers the link. Use the Link(exLinkGroupBars) to group the linked bars. Use the SelectOnClick property to disable selecting new items when the user clicks the chart area.

Based on the values of the Link Key parameter the Link property changes a property for none, one or multiple links as follows: 

The pattern may include the space character which indicates multiple patterns to be used when matching. For instance "A* *K" indicates all keys that starts on A and all keys that ends on K. If not using a pattern, the Link changes the property for specified key in the chart.

Currently, the single read-only property that supports pattern for the LinkKey parameter is exLinksCount, which counts the links as follows:

The pattern may include the space character which indicates multiple patterns to be used when matching. For instance "A* *K" indicates all keys that start on A and all keys that end on K.

The /NET Assembly version defines get/set shortcut properties as follow ( they start with get_ or set_ keywords ):

So instead using the get_Link or set_Link properties you can use these functions. 

For instance, the following VB/NET sample changes the link's color:

With Exg2antt1.Items
    .set_LinkColor("L1", Color.Red)
End With

For instance, the following C# sample changes the link's color:

exg2antt1.Items.set_LinkColor("L1", Color.Red);

The following VB sample displays a text plus a picture on a link:

G2antt1.Items.Link("Link", exLinkText) = " <img>excel</img><br><br><b>doc.xls"