property InsideZoomFormat.OwnerLabel as String
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the format of the original level's label.

String A String expression that specifies the label being displayed by the original level. It supports built-in HTML format as well.
By default, the OwnerLabel property is "", ie the Label property is used instead, so the original format is used to paint the owner of the inside zoom level. The OwnerLabel property indicates the label being displayed in the time unit, once it gets magnified. The DisplayOwnerLabel property specifies whether the owner's label is shown for a time scale unit. The InsideLabel property defines the label for inside units being displayed. Use the SplitBaseLevel property specifies whether the chart's base level gets divided when inside zoom are shown.

The following sample shows the owner level  in bold and red color: ( OwnerLevel property is  "<fgcolor=FF0000><b><%mmm%> <%d%></b></fgcolor>" )

The OwnerLabel property supports the following:

The following tags are displayed based on the user's Regional and Language Options:

The OwnerLabel property supports:


The following VB sample shows how can I change the label for a specified unit:
With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(0) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2008#
		.AllowInsideZoom = True
		.AllowResizeInsideZoom = False
		.InsideZoomOnDblClick = False
		.DefaultInsideZoomFormat.OwnerLabel = "<b><%d%></b> <%d2%>"
		With .InsideZooms
			.SplitBaseLevel = False
			.DefaultWidth = 32
			.Add(#1/4/2008#).AllowInsideFormat = False
		End With
	End With
End With
The following VB.NET sample shows how can I change the label for a specified unit:
With AxG2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(0) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2008#
		.AllowInsideZoom = True
		.AllowResizeInsideZoom = False
		.InsideZoomOnDblClick = False
		.DefaultInsideZoomFormat.OwnerLabel = "<b><%d%></b> <%d2%>"
		With .InsideZooms
			.SplitBaseLevel = False
			.DefaultWidth = 32
			.Add(#1/4/2008#).AllowInsideFormat = False
		End With
	End With
End With
The following C++ sample shows how can I change the label for a specified unit:
	Copy and paste the following directives to your header file as
	it defines the namespace 'EXG2ANTTLib' for the library: 'ExG2antt 1.0 Control Library'

	#import <ExG2antt.dll>
	using namespace EXG2ANTTLib;
EXG2ANTTLib::IG2anttPtr spG2antt1 = GetDlgItem(IDC_G2ANTT1)->GetControlUnknown();
EXG2ANTTLib::IChartPtr var_Chart = spG2antt1->GetChart();
	var_Chart->GetDefaultInsideZoomFormat()->PutOwnerLabel(L"<b><%d%></b> <%d2%>");
	EXG2ANTTLib::IInsideZoomsPtr var_InsideZooms = var_Chart->GetInsideZooms();
The following C# sample shows how can I change the label for a specified unit:
EXG2ANTTLib.Chart var_Chart = axG2antt1.Chart;
	var_Chart.set_PaneWidth(0 != 0,0);
	var_Chart.LevelCount = 2;
	var_Chart.FirstVisibleDate = "1/1/2008";
	var_Chart.AllowInsideZoom = true;
	var_Chart.AllowResizeInsideZoom = false;
	var_Chart.InsideZoomOnDblClick = false;
	var_Chart.DefaultInsideZoomFormat.OwnerLabel = "<b><%d%></b> <%d2%>";
	EXG2ANTTLib.InsideZooms var_InsideZooms = var_Chart.InsideZooms;
		var_InsideZooms.SplitBaseLevel = false;
		var_InsideZooms.DefaultWidth = 32;
		var_InsideZooms.Add("1/4/2008").AllowInsideFormat = false;
The following VFP sample shows how can I change the label for a specified unit:
with thisform.G2antt1
	with .Chart
		.PaneWidth(0) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = {^2008-1-1}
		.AllowInsideZoom = .T.
		.AllowResizeInsideZoom = .F.
		.InsideZoomOnDblClick = .F.
		.DefaultInsideZoomFormat.OwnerLabel = "<b><%d%></b> <%d2%>"
		with .InsideZooms
			.SplitBaseLevel = .F.
			.DefaultWidth = 32
			.Add({^2008-1-4}).AllowInsideFormat = .F.