property G2antt.DrawGridLines as GridLinesEnum

Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the grid lines are visible or hidden.

GridLinesEnum A GridLinesEnum expression that indicates whether the grid lines are visible or hidden.

Use the DrawGridLines property to add grid lines to the items list view. Use the GridLineColor property to specify the color for grid lines. Use the LinesAtRoot property specifies whether the control links the root items of the control. Use the HasLines property to specify whether the control draws the link between child items to their corresponding parent item. Use the DrawLevelSeperator property to draw lines between levels inside the chart's header. Use the DrawTickLines property to specify whether the grid lines between time units in the level are visible or hidden. Use the DrawGridLines property to specify whether the control draws the grid lines in the chart's area. Use the ColumnsAllowSizing property to allow resizing the columns, when the control's header bar is not visible.

The following screen shot shows the control using different style for gridlines:

In conclusion, the following properties are related to the control's gridlines: