The FilterList can be a
bit-combination of exAllItems, exVisibleItems or exNoItems with any other
flags being described bellow:
Name | Value | Description | |||
exAllItems | 0 | The filter's list includes all items in the column. | |||
exVisibleItems | 1 | The filter's list includes only visible (filtered) items from the column. The visible items include child items of collapsed items. | |||
exNoItems | 2 | The filter's list does not include any item from the column. Use this option if the drop down filter displays a calendar control for instance. | |||
exLeafItems | 3 | The filter's list includes the leaf items only. A leaf item is an item with no child items. | |||
exRootItems | 4 | The filter's list includes the root items only. | |||
exSortItemsDesc | 16 | If the exSortItemsDesc flag is set the values in the drop down filter's list gets listed descending. If none of the exSortItemsAsc or exSortItemsDesc is present, the list is built as the items are displayed in the control. | |||
exSortItemsAsc | 32 | If the exSortItemsAsc flag is set the values in the drop down filter's list gets listed ascending. If none of the exSortItemsAsc or exSortItemsDesc is present, the list is built as the items are displayed in the control. | |||
exIncludeInnerCells | 64 | The exIncludeInnerCells flag specifies whether the inner cells values are included in the drop down filter's list. The SplitCell method adds an inner cell, on in other words splits a cell. | |||
exSingleSel | 128 | If this flag is present, the filter's list supports single selection. By default, (If missing), the user can select multiple items using the CTRL key. Use the exSingleSel property to prevent multiple items selection in the drop down filter list. | |||
exShowCheckBox | 256 |
The filter's list displays a check box for each included item. Clicking the checkbox,
makes the item to be include din the filter. If this flag is present, the filter
is closed once the user presses ENTER or clicks outside of the drop down filter
window. By default, ( this flag is missing ), clicking an item closes the drop
down filter, if the CTRL key is not pressed. This flag can be combined with
The following screen shot shows the drop down filter with or with no exShowCheckBox flag: or | |||
exHideCheckSelect | 512 |
The selection background is not shown for checked items in the filter's list.
This flag can be combined with exShowCheckBox.
The following screen shot shows no selection background for the checked items:
| |||
exShowFocusItem | 1024 |
This flag allows highlighting the focus cell value in the filter's list. The
focus cell value is the cell's content at the moment the drop down filter window
is shown. For instance, click an item so a new item is selected, and click the
drop down filter button. A item being focused in the drop down filter list is
the one you have in the control's selection. This flag has effect also, if
displaying a calendar control in the drop down filter list.
The following screen shot shows the focused item in the filter's list ( The Integration ... item in the background is the focused item, and the same is in the filter's list ) :
| |||
exShowPrevSelectOpaque | 2048 | By default, the previously selection in the drop down filter's list is shown using a semi-transparent color. Use this flag to show the previously selection using an opaque color. The exSelFilterForeColor and exSelFilterBackColor options defines the filter's list selection foreground and background colors. | |||
exEnableToolTip | 4096 | This flag indicates whether the filter's tooltip is shown. The Description(exFilterBarTooltip,exFilterBarPatternTooltip, ...) properties defines the filter's tooltips. | |||
exShowExclude | 8192 |
This flag indicates whether the Exclude option is shown in the drop down filter
window. This option has effect also if the drop down filter window shows a calendar
control. The exFilterExclude flag excludes
programmatically the selected items in the drop down filter panel.
The following screen shot shows the Exclude field in the drop down filter window:
| |||
exShowBlanks | 16384 | This flag indicates whether the (Blanks) and (NonBlanks) items are shown in the filter's list |