constants FilterTypeEnum
The FilterTypeEnum type defines the type of filter applies to a column. Use the FilterType property to specify the type of filter being used. Use the Filter property to specify the filter being used. The value for Filter property depends on the FilterType property. Use the Description property to customize the captions for control filter bar window. The FilterList property indicates the values the drop-down filter includes. The FilterTypeEnum type supports the following values:

exAll0 No filter applied. Use the Description property to change the "(All)" caption in the drop down filter.

exBlanks1 Only blank items are included. Use the Description property to change the "(Blanks)" caption in the drop down filter. The Filter property has no effect.

exNonBlanks2 Only non blanks items are included. Use the Description property to change the "(NonBlanks) " caption in the drop down filter. The Filter property has no effect.

exPattern3 Only items that match the pattern are included. The Filter property defines the pattern. A pattern may contain the wild card characters '?' for any single character, '*' for zero or more occurrences of any character, '#' for any digit character, and [chars] indicates a group of characters. If any of the *, ?, # or | characters are preceded by a \ ( escape character ) it masks the character itself. The Def(exFilterPatternTemplate) property specifies the template for the column's filter when the Filter property or the 'Filter For' field is populated. The exFilterDoCaseSensitive flag can be combined with exPattern or exFilter types, indicating that case-sensitive filtering should be performed.

For instance:

  • "*1", only items that ends with 1 are included
  • "A*|B*", only items that starts with a/A or b/B

exDate4 Only items (of date type) within the specified range are included. The Filter property defines the interval of dates being used to filter items. The interval of dates should be as [dateFrom] to [dateTo]. Use the Description property to change the "to" conjunction used to split the dates in the interval. If the dateFrom value is missing, the control includes only the items before the dateTo date, if the dateTo value is missing, the control includes the items after the dateFrom date. If both dates ( dateFrom and dateTo ) are present, the control includes the items between this interval of dates. The DisplayFilterDate property specifies whether the drop down filter window displays a date selector to specify the interval dates to filter for.

For instance:

  • "2/13/2004 to" includes all items after 2/13/2004 inclusive
  • "2/13/2004 to Feb 14 2005" includes all items between 2/13/2004 and 2/14/2004

exNumeric5 Only items (of numeric type) within the specified range are included. The Filter property may include operators like <, <=, =, <>, >= or > and numbers to define rules to include numbers in the control's list.  If the FilterType property is exNumeric, the drop down filter window doesn't display the filter list that includes items "(All)", "(Blanks)", ... and so on.

For instance:

  • "100", filter items with the value 100
  • "> 10 < 100", indicates all numbers greater than 10 and less than 100

exCheck6 Only checked or unchecked items are included. The CellState property indicates the state of the cell's checkbox. The Filter property on  "0" filters for unchecked items, while "1" filters for checked items. A checked item has the the CellState property different than zero. An unchecked item has the CellState property on zero.

For instance:

  • "0", only unchecked items are included
  • "1", only checked items are included

exImage10 Only items showing the specified icons (icon index) are included. The CellImage property indicates the cell's icon. Multiple icons are separated by the '|' character. The Filter property defines the list of icons, separated by the '|' character, to apply the filter.

For instance:

  • "1", only items that displays the icons with the index 1 are included
  • "2|3", only items displaying the icons with index 2 or 3 are included

exFilter240 Only the items that are in the Filter property are included. Multiple items are separated by the '|' character. The exShowCheckBox flag of FilterList property displays a check box for each included item. The exFilterDoCaseSensitive flag can be combined with exPattern or exFilter types, indicating that case-sensitive filtering should be performed.

For instance:

  • "Item 1", only items with the caption 'Item 1' are included
  • "Item 3|Item 3", only items displaying icons with an index of 2 or 3 are included

exFilterDoCaseSensitive256 If this flag is present, the column filtering is case-sensitive. If this flag is missing, the filtering is case-insensitive by default. The exFilterDoCaseSensitive flag can be used to enable case-sensitive filtering within the column. However, this flag is not applied to the filter prompt feature. The exFilterDoCaseSensitive flag can be combined with exPattern or exFilter types.
exFilterExclude512 The flag indicates that the Exclude field of the column is checked, meaning items that match the filter are excluded from the list. The exShowExclude flag of FilterList property indicates whether the Exclude option is shown in the drop down filter window.