property FileType.To as Date

Specifies whether the FileType object is applied for files/folders that have been updated before give date.

Date A date expression that specifies that the FileType' attributes are applied only for files that were updated before giving date.

The From and To properties define a date interval. The FileType' attributes are applied only for files that match the Pattern property and were updated in the interval. If the current list contains folders, the control runs a new thread for each folder in order to look recursively for any file that match the pattern and were updated in the interval defined by the From and To properties. If the From and To properties are set to 0, the control doesn't run the any thread. The From and To properties are useful to highlight the files and folder that contains files that were updated into a given interval. The Apply method applies the changes to the current list.  Use the BrowseFolderPath property to specify the path to the browsed folder. Use the ModifiedDaysAgo property to specify the string being displayed in the "Modified" column.

The following VB sample highlights the files and folders that were updated yesterday with blue color, and updated today, with red color:

With ExFileView1.FileTypes
    With .Add("*")
        .From = Date - 1
        .To = Date
        .ForeColor = vbBlue
    End With
    With .Add("*")
        .From = Date
        .To = .From
        .Bold = True
        .ForeColor = vbRed
    End With
End With

The following C++ sample highlights the files and folders that were updated yesterday with blue color, and updated today, with red color:

#include "FileType.h"
#include "FileTypes.h"
DATE date = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime().operator DATE();
CFileType fileType = m_fileview.GetFileTypes().Add("*");
fileType.SetFrom( date - 1 );
fileType.SetTo( date );
fileType.SetForeColor( RGB(0,0,255) );

fileType = m_fileview.GetFileTypes().Add("*");
fileType.SetFrom( date );
fileType.SetTo( fileType.GetFrom() );
fileType.SetBold( TRUE );
fileType.SetForeColor( RGB(255,0,0) );


The following VB.NET sample highlights the files and folders that were updated yesterday with blue color, and updated today, with red color:

With AxExFileView1.FileTypes
    With .Add("*")
        .From = Date.Today.AddDays(-1)
        .To = Date.Today
        .ForeColor = ToUInt32(Color.Blue)
    End With
    With .Add("*")
        .From = Date.Today
        .To = .From
        .Bold = True
        .ForeColor = ToUInt32(Color.Red)
    End With
End With

The following C# sample highlights the files and folders that were updated yesterday with blue color, and updated today, with red color:

EXFILEVIEWLib.FileType fileType = axExFileView1.FileTypes.Add("*");
fileType.From = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
fileType.To = DateTime.Today;
fileType.ForeColor = ToUInt32(Color.Blue);
fileType.Bold = true;

fileType = axExFileView1.FileTypes.Add("*");
fileType.From = DateTime.Today;
fileType.To = DateTime.Today;
fileType.ForeColor = ToUInt32(Color.Red);


The following VFP sample highlights the files and folders that were updated yesterday with blue color, and updated today, with red color:

With thisform.ExFileView1.FileTypes
    With .Add("*")
        .From = Date() - 1
        .To = Date()
        .ForeColor = RGB(0,0,255)
    With .Add("*")
        .From = Date()
        .To = .From
        .Bold = .t.
        .ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)