method FileType.Apply ()

Applies the changes to the current list.


After you define the FileType object you have to call Apply method, in order to reflect the changes to the current list. Use the BrowseFolderPath property to specify the browsed folder. The Add method does not invoke the Apply method. If your are going to add more FileType objects to the FileTypes collection, it is not necessary to call Apply method for each new FileType, instead you can call Apply method of FileTypes collection.

The following VB sample bolds the cpp and h files:

With ExFileView1.FileTypes.Add("*.cpp *.h")
    .Bold = True
End With

The following C++ sample bolds the cpp and h files:

#include "FileType.h"
#include "FileTypes.h"
CFileType fileType = m_fileview.GetFileTypes().Add("*.cpp *.h");
fileType.SetBold( TRUE );

The following VB.NET sample bolds the cpp and h files:

With AxExFileView1.FileTypes.Add("*.cpp *.h")
    .Bold = True
End With

The following C# sample bolds the cpp and h files:

EXFILEVIEWLib.FileType fileType = axExFileView1.FileTypes.Add("*.cpp *.h");
fileType.Bold = true;

The following VFP sample bolds the cpp and h files:

With thisform.ExFileView1.FileTypes.Add("*.cpp *.h")
    .Bold = .t.