property ExFileView.ColumnFilterType(ColumnName as String) as FilterTypeEnum
Specifies the column's filter type. /*not supported in the lite version*/

ColumnName as String A string expression that indicates the column's name. The valid values are: 'Name', 'Size', 'Modified', 'Type', 'In Folder'
FilterTypeEnum A FilterTypeEnum expression that indicates the column's filter type.
The ColumnFilterType property defines the filter's type on specified column. By default, the ColumnFilterType property is exAll. No filter is applied if the ColumnFilterType is exAll. The ColumnFilter property defines the column's filter. Use the ColumnFilterButton property to display the column's filter button. Use the FilterBarCaption property to specify the caption for the control's filter bar header.

The ApplyFilter method should be called to update the control's content after changing the ColumnFilter or ColumnFilterType property. The ClearFilter method clears the control's filter.

The following VB sample filters for executable files:

With ExFileView1
    .ColumnFilterButton("Name") = True
    .ColumnFilter("Name") = "*.exe|*.com|*.bat"
    .ColumnFilterType("Name") = exPattern
End With 

The following C++ sample filters for executable files:

m_fileview.SetColumnFilterButton("Name", TRUE );
m_fileview.SetColumnFilter( "Name", "*.exe|*.com|*.bat" );
m_fileview.SetColumnFilterType( "Name", 1 /*exPattern*/ );

The following VB.NET sample filters for executable files:

With AxExFileView1
    .set_ColumnFilterButton("Name", True)
    .set_ColumnFilter("Name", "*.exe|*.com|*.bat")
    .set_ColumnFilterType("Name", EXFILEVIEWLib.FilterTypeEnum.exPattern)
End With

The following C# sample filters for executable files:

axExFileView1.set_ColumnFilterButton("Name", true);
axExFileView1.set_ColumnFilter("Name", "*.exe|*.com|*.bat");
axExFileView1.set_ColumnFilterType("Name", EXFILEVIEWLib.FilterTypeEnum.exPattern);

The following VFP sample filters for executable files:

With thisform.FileView1
    .Object.ColumnFilterButton("Name") = .t.
    .Object.ColumnFilter("Name") = "*.exe|*.com|*.bat"
    .Object.ColumnFilterType("Name") = 1