property ExFileView.ColumnFilterButton(ColumnName as String) as Boolean
Specifies a value that indicates whether the column displays the filter button. /*not supported in the lite version*/

ColumnName as String A string expression that indicates the column's name. The valid values are: 'Name', 'Size', 'Modified', 'Type', 'In Folder'. The Modified column displays a calendar control that can be used to filter for files/folder modified within a range and so.
Boolean A Boolean expression that indicates whether the column displays the filter button.  
Use the ColumnFilterButton property to show or hide the column's filter button. By default, the control displays no filter buttons. Use the AddColumnCustomFilter method to add custom filter patterns to the column. Use the FilterBarDropDownHeight property to specify the height of the control's drop down filter window. Use the FilterBarDropDownWidth property to specify the width of the control's drop down filter window. Use the exHideFileExtensionsForKnownFileTypes option to show the file extensions in case your Windows Explorer,  the "Hide File Extensions For Known File Types" is checked. Use the FilterInclude property to specify whether the child files or folders are included in the list, after user applies the filter.

The following VB sample adds custom filter patterns for executable files:

With ExFileView1
    .FilterBarDropDownHeight = 0.7
    .ColumnFilterButton("Name") = True
    .AddColumnCustomFilter "Name", "(Executable files)", "*.exe|*.com|*.bat"
End With

The following C++ sample adds custom filter patterns for executable files:

m_fileview.SetFilterBarDropDownHeight( 0.7 );
m_fileview.SetColumnFilterButton("Name", TRUE );
m_fileview.AddColumnCustomFilter("Name", "(Executable files)", "*.exe|*.com|*.bat");

The following VB.NET sample adds custom filter patterns for executable files:

With AxExFileView1
    .FilterBarDropDownHeight = 0.7
    .set_ColumnFilterButton("Name", True)
    .AddColumnCustomFilter("Name", "(Executable files)", "*.exe|*.com|*.bat")
End With

The following C# sample adds custom filter patterns for executable files:

axExFileView1.FilterBarDropDownHeight = 0.7;
axExFileView1.set_ColumnFilterButton("Name", true);
axExFileView1.AddColumnCustomFilter("Name", "(Executable files)", "*.exe|*.com|*.bat");

The following VFP sample adds custom filter patterns for executable files:

With thisform.ExFileView1
    .FilterBarDropDownHeight = 0.7
    .Object.ColumnFilterButton("Name") = .t.
    .AddColumnCustomFilter("Name", "(Executable files)", "*.exe|*.com|*.bat")