Click the ◂ (top-right arrow) to show the source-code. Click the ▴ (bottom-left arrow) to show the help. ✔ Check/uncheck options to include/exclude the property. Change the option's value according to the below description. Long-Click to edit the "Employee" column. Right-Click to drag and drop items.
ALT creates element or link. Click and drag the item (Pos/Tasks column) to move it. Click and drag the bar to move/resize it. Right-Click a date, to start complete automatically the tasks (double-click to stop). Middle-Click to zoom by drag. ALT + Middle-Click to zoom a zone only. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
Click the ◂ (top-right arrow) to show the source-code. Click the ▴ (bottom-left arrow) to show the help. ✔ Check the readOnly option to make the control read-only. ALT creates element. Middle-Click to zoom by drag. ALT + Middle-Click to zoom a zone only. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
Left-Click to create bar, ALT to create link (create the link again to remove it). Middle-Click to zoom. Right-Click to scroll. Roll the wheel to scroll. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
Click the ◂ (top-right arrow) to show the source-code. Click the ▴ (bottom-left arrow) to show the help. ✔ Change the overlaidType property to specify how overlaid-bars get arranged. Left-Click to create bar, ALT to create link (create the link again to remove it). Middle-Click to zoom. Right-Click to scroll. Roll the wheel to scroll. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
Click the ◂ (top-right arrow) to show the source-code. Click the ▴ (bottom-left arrow) to show the help. ✔ Uncheck the readOnly: true option to allow changes. ALT creates element or link. Middle-Click to zoom by drag, ALT + Middle-Click to zoom a zone only. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
Click the ◂ (top-right arrow) to show the source-code. Click the ▴ (bottom-left arrow) to show the help. ✔ Remove the exontrol․Gantt․HistogramViewEnum․exHistogramGroupCumulative flag (or replace it with 0) from histogramView property, to display single-color histogram. Click to create bar, ALT to create link (create the link again to remove it). Middle-Click to zoom. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
here goes the events
Click, drag, drop or roll the mouse-wheel to get for the control's events. ALT creates element or link. Right-Click to drag and drop items. Long-Click to edit the "Operation" column. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection.