The ExGantt/JS component is our approach to create timeline charts (also known as Gantt charts). Gantt chart is a time-phased graphic display of activity durations. Activities are listed with other tabular information on the left side with time intervals over the bars. Activity durations are shown in the form of horizontal bars. The ExGantt/JS is a HTML standalone-component, written in pure JavaScript, that uses no third-party libraries.

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Click the (top-right arrow) to show the source-code. Click the (bottom-left arrow) to show the help. ✔ Check/uncheck options to include/exclude the property. Change the option's value according to the below description. Long-Click to edit the "Employee" column. Right-Click to drag and drop items.
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ALT creates element or link. Click and drag the item (Pos/Tasks column) to move it. Click and drag the bar to move/resize it. Right-Click a date, to start complete automatically the tasks (double-click to stop). Middle-Click to zoom by drag. ALT + Middle-Click to zoom a zone only. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
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Click the (top-right arrow) to show the source-code. Click the (bottom-left arrow) to show the help. ✔ Check the readOnly option to make the control read-only. ALT creates element. Middle-Click to zoom by drag. ALT + Middle-Click to zoom a zone only. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
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Left-Click to create bar, ALT to create link (create the link again to remove it). Middle-Click to zoom. Right-Click to scroll. Roll the wheel to scroll. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
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Click the (top-right arrow) to show the source-code. Click the (bottom-left arrow) to show the help. ✔ Change the overlaidType property to specify how overlaid-bars get arranged. Left-Click to create bar, ALT to create link (create the link again to remove it). Middle-Click to zoom. Right-Click to scroll. Roll the wheel to scroll. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
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Click the (top-right arrow) to show the source-code. Click the (bottom-left arrow) to show the help. ✔ Uncheck the readOnly: true option to allow changes. ALT creates element or link. Middle-Click to zoom by drag, ALT + Middle-Click to zoom a zone only. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
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Click the (top-right arrow) to show the source-code. Click the (bottom-left arrow) to show the help. ✔ Remove the exontrol․Gantt․HistogramViewEnum․exHistogramGroupCumulative flag (or replace it with 0) from histogramView property, to display single-color histogram. Click to create bar, ALT to create link (create the link again to remove it). Middle-Click to zoom. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
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here goes the events
Click, drag, drop or roll the mouse-wheel to get for the control's events. ALT creates element or link. Right-Click to drag and drop items. Long-Click to edit the "Operation" column. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection.