Type | Description | |||
Item as HITEM | A long expression that indicates the item's handle. | |||
Long | A long expression that indicates the column's index. |
The following Template draws a custom line ( from a skin object ) between two items:
BeginUpdate VisualAppearance.Add(1, "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") BackColor = RGB(255,255,255) MarkSearchColumn = False ConditionalFormats { Add("%1 >4") { Bold = True StrikeOut = True ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0) ApplyTo = 1 } Add("%2 > 4") { Bold = True StrikeOut = True ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0) ApplyTo = 2 } Add("%3 > 4") { Bold = True StrikeOut = True ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0) ApplyTo = 3 } Add("1") { Bold = True ApplyTo = 4 } } Columns { "Name" "A" { AllowSizing = False Width = 24 } "B" { AllowSizing = False Width = 24 } "C" { AllowSizing = False Width = 24 } "A+B+C" { AllowSizing = False Width = 64 ComputedField = "%1+%2+%3" } } Items { Dim h, h1 h = AddItem("Root") CellCaptionFormat(h,4) = 1 h1 = InsertItem(h,,"Child 1") CellCaption(h1,1) = 7 CellCaption(h1,2) = 3 CellCaption(h1,3) = 1 h1 = InsertItem(h,,"Child 2") CellCaption(h1,1) = 2 CellCaption(h1,2) = 5 CellCaption(h1,3) = 12 ExpandItem(h) = True Dim k k = AddItem("") ItemDivider(k) = 0 ItemDividerLine(k) = 0 ItemHeight(k) = 4 SelectableItem(k) = False ItemBackColor(k) = 16777216 h = AddItem("Root") CellCaptionFormat(h,4) = 1 h1 = InsertItem(h,,"Child 1") CellCaption(h1,1) = 7 CellCaption(h1,2) = 3 CellCaption(h1,3) = 1 h1 = InsertItem(h,,"Child 2") CellCaption(h1,1) = 2 CellCaption(h1,2) = 5 CellCaption(h1,3) = 12 ExpandItem(h) = True } EndUpdate
The sample loads the skin
file using the Add method, and the ItemBackColor(k) = 16777216,
specifies that skin with the skin with the identifier 1 ( the 16777216 is the
0x1000000 in hexa representation ) paints the item's background.
The following VB sample adds a divider item that's locked to the top side of
the control ( Before running this sample please make sure that your control
has columns ):
With Tree1 .BeginUpdate .DrawGridLines = exNoLines With .Items .LockedItemCount(TopAlignment) = 1 Dim h As HITEM h = .LockedItem(TopAlignment, 0) .ItemDivider(h) = 0 .ItemHeight(h) = 22 .CellCaption(h, 0) = "<b>Total</b>: $12.344.233" .CellCaptionFormat(h, 0) = exHTML .CellHAlignment(h, 0) = RightAlignment End With .EndUpdate End With
The following C++ sample adds a divider item, that's not selectable too:
#include "Items.h" CItems items = m_tree.GetItems(); long i = items.AddItem( COleVariant("divider item") ); items.SetItemDivider( i, 0 ); items.SetSelectableItem( i, FALSE );
The following C# sample adds a divider item, that's not selectable too:
int i = axTree1.Items.AddItem("divider item"); axTree1.Items.set_ItemDivider(i, 0); axTree1.Items.set_SelectableItem(i, false);
The following VB.NET sample adds a divider item, that's not selectable too:
With AxTree1.Items Dim i As Integer i = .AddItem("divider item") .ItemDivider(i) = 0 .SelectableItem(i) = False End With
The following VFP sample adds a divider item, that's not selectable too:
with thisform.Tree1.Items .DefaultItem = .AddItem("divider item") .ItemDivider(0) = 0 .SelectableItem(0) = .f. endwith