property ConditionalFormat.Expression as String
Indicates the expression being used in the conditional format.

String A formal expression that indicates the formula being used in formatting. For instance, "%0+%1>%2", highlights the cells or the items, when the sum between first two columns is greater than the value in the third column
The conditional formatting feature allows you to apply formats to a cell or range of cells, and have that formatting change depending on the value of the cell or the value of a formula. The Expression property specifies a formula that indicates the criteria to format the items or the columns. Use the ApplyTo property to specify when the items or the columns are  formatted. Use the Add method to specify the expression at adding time. The Expression property may include variables, constants, operators or ( ) parenthesis.  A variable is defined as %n, where n is the index of the column ( zero based ). For instance, the %0 indicates the first column, the %1, indicates the second column, and so on.  A constant is a float expression ( for instance, 23.45 ). Use the Valid property checks whether the expression is syntactically correct, and can be evaluated. If the expression contains a variable that is not known, 0 value is used instead. For instance, if your control has 2 columns, and the expression looks like "%2 +%1 ", the %2 does not exist, 0 is used instead. When the control contains two columns the known variables are %0 and %1. 

The expression may be a combination of variables, constants, strings, dates and operators.  A string is delimited by ", ` or ' characters, and inside they can have the starting character preceded by \ character, ie "\"This is a quote\"". A date is delimited by two # characters, ie #1/31/2001 10:00# means the January 31th, 2001, 10:00 AM.

The expression supports cell's identifiers as follows:

Usage examples:

This property supports auto-numbering (index, pos, ...) expressions as described here. This property/method supports predefined constants and operators/functions as described here.

The conditional format feature may change the cells and items as follows:

The following VB samples bolds all items when the sum between first two columns is greater than 0:

Tree1.ConditionalFormats.Add("%0+%1>0").Bold = True

The following C++ sample bolds all items when the sum between first two columns is greater than 0:

COleVariant vtEmpty;
m_tree.GetConditionalFormats().Add( "%0+%1>0", vtEmpty ).SetBold( TRUE );

The following VB.NET sample bolds all items when the sum between first two columns is greater than 0:

AxTree1.ConditionalFormats.Add("%0+%1>0").Bold = True

The following C# sample bolds all items when the sum between first two columns is greater than 0:

axTree1.ConditionalFormats.Add("%0+%1>0", null).Bold = true

The following VFP sample bolds all items when the sum between first two columns is greater than 0:

thisform.Tree1.ConditionalFormats.Add("%0+%1>0").Bold = .t.