Name | Description | |||
Alignment | Retrieves or sets the alignment of the caption into the column's header. | |||
AllowDragging | Retrieves or sets a value indicating whether the user will be able to drag the column. | |||
AllowSizing | Retrieves or sets a value indicating whether the user will be able to change the width of the visible columns by dragging. | |||
AllowSort | Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the user can sort the column by clicking the column's header. | |||
AutoSearch | Specifies the kind of searching while user types characters within the columns. | |||
AutoWidth | Computes the column's width required to fit the entire column's content. | |||
Caption | Retrieves or sets the text displayed to the column's header. | |||
ComputedField | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the formula of the computed column. | |||
CustomFilter | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the list of custom filters. | |||
Data | Associates an extra data to the column. | |||
Def | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the default value of given properties for all cells in the same column. | |||
DefaultSortOrder | Specifies whether the default sort order is ascending or descending. | |||
DisplayExpandButton | Shows or hides the expanding/collapsing button in the column's header. | |||
DisplayFilterButton | Specifies whether the column's header displays the filter button. | |||
DisplayFilterDate | Specifies whether the drop down filter window displays a date selector to specify the interval dates to filter for. | |||
DisplayFilterPattern | Specifies whether the dropdown filter bar contains a textbox for editing the filter as pattern. | |||
DisplaySortIcon | Retrieves or sets a value indicating whether the sort icon is visible on column's header, while the column is sorted. | |||
Enabled | Returns or sets a value that determines whether a column's header can respond to user-generated events. | |||
ExpandColumns | Specifies the list of columns to be shown when the current column is expanded. | |||
Expanded | Expands or collapses the column. | |||
Filter | Specifies the column's filter when filter type is exFilter, exPattern or exDate. | |||
FilterBarDropDownWidth | Specifies the width of the drop down filter window proportionally with the width of the column. | |||
FilterList | Specifies whether the drop down filter list includes visible or all items. | |||
FilterOnType | Filters the column as user types characters in the drop down filter window. | |||
FilterType | Specifies the column's filter type. | |||
FireFormatColumn | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control fires FormatColumn to format the caption of a cell hosted by column. | |||
FormatColumn | Specifies the format to display the cells in the column. | |||
HeaderAlignment | Specifies the alignment of the column's caption. | |||
HeaderBold | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the column's caption should appear in bold. | |||
HeaderImage | Retrieves or sets a value indicating the index of an Image in the Images collection, which is displayed to the column's header. | |||
HeaderImageAlignment | Retrieves or sets the alignment of the image into the column's header. | |||
HeaderItalic | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the column's caption should appear in italic. | |||
HeaderStrikeOut | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the column's caption should appear in strikeout. | |||
HeaderUnderline | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the column's caption should appear in underline.. | |||
HeaderVertical | Specifies whether the column's header is vertically displayed. | |||
HTMLCaption | Retrieves or sets the text in HTML format displayed in the column's header. | |||
Index | Returns a value that represents the index of an object in a collection. | |||
Key | Retrieves or sets the column's key. | |||
LevelKey | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the key of the column's level. | |||
MaxWidthAutoResize | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the maximum column's width when the WidthAutoResize is True. | |||
MinWidthAutoResize | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the minimum column's width when the WidthAutoResize is True. | |||
PartialCheck | Specifies whether the column supports partial check feature. | |||
Position | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the position of the column in the header bar area. | |||
ShowFilter | Shows the column's filter window. | |||
ShowIdem | Defines the symbol used to indicate repeated captions, providing a clear visual cue for identical entries. | |||
SortOrder | Specifies the column's sort order. | |||
SortPosition | Returns or sets a value that indicates the position of the column in the sorting columns collection. | |||
SortType | Returns or sets a value that indicates the way a control sorts the values for a column. | |||
ToolTip | Specifies the column's tooltip description. | |||
Visible | Retrieves or sets a value indicating whether the column is visible or hidden. | |||
Width | Retrieves or sets the column's width. | |||
WidthAutoResize | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the column is automatically resized according to the width of the contents within the column. |