A string expression that defines the Texture's tooltip.
Use the ToolTipText and ToolTipTitle
properties to define the Texture's tooltip. Use the ToolTipDelay
and ToolTipPopDelay properties to
specify the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears. Use the <img>
HTML tag to insert icons inside the Texture's tooltip.
The ToolTipText supports the following HTML tags:
<b> bold </b> bolds a part of the caption.
<u> underline </u> specifies that the portion should
appear as underlined.
<s> strikeout </s> specifies that the portion should
appear as strikeout.
<i> italic </i> specifies that the portion should
appear as italic.
<fgcolor=FF0000> fgcolor </fgcolor>
changes the foreground color for a portion.
<bgcolor=FF0000> bgcolor
</bgcolor> changes the background color for a portion.
<br> breaks a line.
<solidline> draws a solid line. If has no effect for a single line
<dotline> draws a dotted line. If has no effect for a single line
<upline> draws the line to the top of the text line
<r> aligns the rest of the text line to the right side. It has no
effect if the caption contains a single line.