constants CaptionAlignEnum
The CaptionAlignEnum type specifies the horizontal and vertical alignment for the caption to be shown on the pages part of the control. The CaptionAlignment property specifies the horizontal and vertical alignment for the control's caption.

exUpperLeft0 Aligns the caption to the upper left corner.
exUpperCenter1 Centers the caption on the upper edge.
exUpperRight2 Aligns the caption to the upper right corner.
exMiddleLeft16 Aligns horizontally the caption on the left side, and centers the caption vertically.
exMiddleCenter17 Puts the caption on the center of the source.
exMiddleRight18 Aligns horizontally the caption on the right side, and centers the caption vertically.
exLowerLeft32 Aligns the caption to the lower left corner.
exLowerCenter33 Centers the caption on the lower edge.
exLowerRight34 Aligns the caption to the lower right corner.