A ContentAlignmentEnum expression that specifies the extra-pictures alignment.
By default, the ExtraPicturesAlign
property is exTopRight. The ExtraPicturesAlign
property specifies the alignment of the extra-Pictures relative to the
element. By default, the ExtraPictures property is "", which
means that initially no extra-pictures are being displayed on the element. The
Pictures or/and ExtraPictures property
displays a collection of icons, pictures in the element's body. The Picture
and ExtraPictures may display one or more pictures at the time. The ,
character indicates the separator of pictures in the same line, while the /
character divides the lines to show the pictures. For instance, "1,2"
displays icon with the index 1 and 2 on the same line, while the "1/2,pic1"
displays the first icon on the first line, the second icon and the picture
pic1 on the second line. The Images method
loads icons to the control. The Images collection can display only 16x16 icons.
The HTMLPicture assigns a key to a
picture object. The ShowHandCursorOn
property specifies whether the hand cursor is shown when hovering a picture on
the element. The HandCursorClick
event occurs once the user clicks a picture on the element ( ShowHandCursorOn
property must include the exShowHandCursorPicture, exShowHandCursorIcon
and exShowHandCursorExtraPictures ).