property Surface.ToolBarFormat as String
Specifies the CRD format to arrange the buttons inside the control's toolbar.

String A String expression that specifies the CRD format to control's toolbar. 
By default, the ToolBarFormat property is "-1,100,101" and arranges the toolbar as in the following screen shot. If empty, the control's toolbar displays no buttons.

The predefined identifiers for ToolBarFormat property are:

Use the ToolBarFormat property to add new buttons, to display icons, pictures, or any other HTML caption. The ToolBarCaption property specifies the caption of the button. The ToolBarToolTip property specifies the button's tooltip. The control fires the ToolBarClick event when the user clicks a button in the control's toolbar. The control fires the ToolBarAnchorClick event when the user clicks an hyperlink element. The ToolBarRefresh method refreshes the control's toolbar.

For instance, the following screen shot shows the control's toolbar when the ToolBarFormat property is "-1,100,101,1000"


If the ToolBarCaption(1000) property is set as "<sha ;;0>custom" the control's toolbar shows as: