constants ShowExtendedLinksEnum
The  ShowExtendedLinksEnum type defines how the links are shown on the surface. The ShowLinks property specifies the way the control shows the link on the surface. The ShowExtendedLinksEnum type supports the following values.

exHideLinks0 Hides the links on the surface. Use the Visible property of the Link to hide a specific link. The following pictures show no links between elements.

exShowLinks-1 Shows the links on the surface. The exShowLinks flag is equivalent with exShowDefaultLinks + exShowLinksFront, it is provided for the backward compatibility only ( boolean True has the value of -1 )

exShowExtendedLinks1 Shows the extended links on the surface. This flag is valid for rectangular links only ( exLinkRectangular ). 

exShowDefaultLinks2 Shows the default links on the surface.

exShowLinksFront16 Shows the links on the front. This flag can be combined with the exShowLinks, exShowExtendedLinks, exShowCrossLinksRect, exShowCrossLinksTriangle, exShowCrossLinksMixt  or exShowDefaultLinks. If the exShowLinksFront is missing, the links are shown on the control's background, so elements may show over the links.

exShowCrossLinksRect32 Shows rectangular cross links.

exShowCrossLinksTriangle64 Shows triangular cross links.

exShowCrossLinksMixt96 Shows mixed cross links.

exPreventOverlapMixt128 The exPreventOverlapMixt flag must always be used alongside either the exPreventOverlap or exChangeColorOnOverlap flag. When used with the exPreventOverlap flag, it ensures that links avoid overlapping with elements or obstacles, enabling their paths to include both rectangular and diagonal lines. When combined with the exChangeColorOnOverlap flag, overlapping links alternately adjust their width in addition to changing colors.


exPreventOverlap256 The exPreventOverlap flag adjusts the links to prevent them from overlapping the connected objects. The exPreventOverlap option calculates the path between A and B using the A* (A-star) pathfinding algorithm, which can be a time-consuming operation

    or    (+exPreventOverlapMixt)

exChangeColorOnOverlap512 The exChangeColorOnOverlap flag changes the color for links in areas where they overlap with other links, enhancing clarity and distinction between them. The OverlapLinksColors property defines the list of colors, separated by commas, used to display overlapping links. The exChangeColorOnOverlap flag can be used together with exPreventOverlapMixt, which indicates that the overlapping links alternately adjust their width in addition to changing colors.

   or     (+exPreventOverlapMixt)