property Links.Count as Long
Returns the number of elements in the collection.

Long A Long expression that specifies the number of links on the surface.
The Count property specifies the number of links on the surface. Use the Add method to programmatically add new link to the surface. The Remove method removes a link from the surface. The Clear method clears all the links on the surface. The StartPos/EndPos properties indicates where on the starting element links starts and where on the ending elements the link ends. The ShowLinks property specifies whether the surface shows or hides the links. The OutgoingLinks property returns a safe array of outgoing links ( links that starts from the element ). The IncomingLinks property returns a safe array of incoming links ( links that ends on the element ).

The following VB sample enumerates the links on the surface:

Dim l As Variant
For Each l In Surface1.Links
    Debug.Print l.ID