property ExShellView.ViewFolderFlags as Long
Retrieves the flags for the browsed folder.

Long A Long expression that indicates the flags that determines the control's appearance. This value is a combination of FolderFlagsEnum values. 
This property is used to determine custom flags that are applied to the control determining its appearance. You can use the ModifyFolderFlags method to add or remove specified flags to the current view. The most common option is single or multiple selection.

The following VB/NET sample shows how to enable multiple selection within the view ( /NET Assembly ):

Exshellview1.ViewFolderFlags = Exshellview1.ViewFolderFlags And Not exontrol.EXSHELLVIEWLib.FolderFlagsEnum.SingleSel

The following C# sample shows how to enable multiple selection within the view ( /NET Assembly ):

exshellview1.ViewFolderFlags = exshellview1.ViewFolderFlags & ~((int)exontrol.EXSHELLVIEWLib.FolderFlagsEnum.SingleSel);

The following VB/NET sample shows how to enable multiple selection within the view ( /COM on Window.Forms ):

AxExShellView1.ViewFolderFlags = AxExShellView1.ViewFolderFlags And Not EXSHELLVIEWLib.FolderFlagsEnum.SingleSel

The following C# sample shows how to enable multiple selection within the view ( /COM on Window.Forms ):

axExShellView1.ViewFolderFlags = axExShellView1.ViewFolderFlags & ~((int)EXSHELLVIEWLib.FolderFlagsEnum.SingleSel);

The following VFP sample shows how to enable multiple selection within the view ( /COM on Window.Forms ):

thisform.Exshellview1.ViewFolderFlags = bitand(thisform.Exshellview1.ViewFolderFlags, bitnot(64) )

The following C++ sample shows how to enable multiple selection within the view ( /COM on Window.Forms ):

m_shellView.SetViewFolderFlags( m_shellView.GetViewFolderFlags() & ~64 ); 

The following VB.NET sample shows how to get the selected files/folder for /NET assembly version:

Dim i As Long = 0, s As String = ""
With Exshellview1
    With .Objects
        For i = 0 To .Count - 1
            Dim sel As exontrol.EXSHELLVIEWLib.exshellobject = .Item(i)
            ' * The sel indicates the shell object being selected *
            s = s + sel.Name + vbCrLf
    End With
End With
If s.Length > 0 Then
    MessageBox.Show(s, "Selection")
    MessageBox.Show("Empty", "Selection")
End If

The following C# sample shows how to get the selected files/folder for /NET assembly version:

string s = "";
for ( int i = 0; i < exshellview1.Objects.Count; i++ )
    exontrol.EXSHELLVIEWLib.exshellobject sel = exshellview1.Objects[i];
    // * The sel indicates the shell object being selected *
    s = s + sel.Name + "\r\n";
if (s.Length > 0)
    MessageBox.Show(s, "Selection");
    MessageBox.Show("Empty", "Selection");