property MarkTime.TimeScaleLabel as String
Specifies the label to be displayed on the timer, on the time scale part.

String A String expression that support extended HTML format, to display a caption on the timer. 
By default, the TimeScaleLabel property is "<fgcolor=FF0000><b><%hh%>:<%nn%> <%AM/PM%>", which shows the hour and the minute of the timer, using the AM/PM time indicators. The TimeScaleLabel property displays the label on the time scale portion of the schedule view. The Label property indicates the label to be displayed on the dates part of the control. The TimeScaleForeColor property indicates the color to show the label, unless the <fgcolor> is not specified in the label property. The TimeScaleLabelAlign property aligns the timer's label.

Here's a few samples on how you can use the label property:

The property supports the following TAGs:

The following tags are displayed based on the user's Regional and Language Options:

The property supports the following built-in HTML tags: