property Event.Selected as Boolean
Selects or unselects the current event.

Boolean A boolean expression that specifies whether an event is selected or unselected.
By default, the Selected property of the Event is False. The Selected property indicates whether the event is selected or unselected. The Selectable property of the Event indicates whether the event can be selected at runtime. The AllowSelectEvent property indicates the combination of the keys to let user selects the events.  The LayoutStartChanging( exScheduleSelectionChange) event occurs once the selection in the schedule view is about to be changed. The LayoutEndChanging( exScheduleSelectionChange) event once the selection in the schedule view is changed. The Selection property gets or sets a safe array of selected events. The /NET or /WPF version provides the SelEvents property of List<Event> type to get or sets the new selection using a collection of Event objects. The SelectEventStyle property indicates the way the selected events are shown. The SelectEventColor property specifies the visual appearance of the selected event. The SelectEventTextColor property specifies the foreground color of the selected event.

The AllowCreateEvent property indicates the combination of the keys to let user creates new events. The AllowResizeEvent property indicates the combination of the keys to let user resizes the events. The Movable property specifies whether the event can be moved at runtime. The Resizable property specifies whether the event can be resized at runtime. 

For instance, the The AllowSelectEvent property on exDisallow, indicates that no event can be moved at runtime.