property Calendar.Parent as Long
Specifies the handle of the window that hosts the calendar panel.

Long A long expression that specifies the handle of the window that hosts the calendar panel.
By default, the Parent property is 0, which indicates that the calendar is hosted by the scheduler itself. Use the Parent property to move the calendar panel outside of the scheduler. The Parent property retrieves the handle of the window that hosts the calendar panel. If the Parent property is non-zero, the calendar panel fits the window's host client area. You can call or set the Parent property multiple time, and if necessary the calendar panel is resized to fit the new window space. In other words, if you resize the window that hosts the calendar, you can call set again the Parent property, and so the calendar panel is resized so it fits the host's client area. By default, the calendar panel of the component can be placed to the left or right of the component. For instance, the calendar panel can not be placed on the top or bottom side of the component, so in this case you can use the Parent property to place the calendar panel anywhere on your form/dialog.

If setting the Parent property to a

Here's how you can place the scheduler and the calendar to different places:

This way the second scheduler component acts as a host for the calendar panel of the first schedule component. Any action on the schedule or calendar will be reflected on both. When a window hosts the calendar panel, it fits the entire client area. In case you re-size the window that hosts the calendar panel, you can re-assign the Calendar.Parent property, so the calendar panel updates its size so it fits the new client area of the host.