property Calendar.OnSelectDate as OnSelectDateEnum
Specifies the action that the control does once the user selects new dates in the calendar panel.

OnSelectDateEnum An OnSelectDateEnum expression that specifies the operation to perform when user selects a date in the calendar panel.
By default, the OnSelectDate property is exFitSelToView, which indicates that the selected date in the calendar panel, is enlarged so it fit the schedule view. Use the OnSelectDate property to prevent changing the selected date in the schedule view, when user clicks or selects a new date in the calendar panel. The OnSelectDate property supports the following values:

The DayViewWidth property specifies the width, in pixels, of the date in the schedule panel. The DayViewOffsetX property indicates the horizontal scroll position of the schedule's view. The DayViewHeight property specifies the height, in pixels, of the date in the schedule panel. The DayViewOffsetY property indicates the vertical scroll position of the schedule's view.