Retrieves or sets the date being displayed in the calendar panel.
A DATE expression that indicates the date (month) being shown in the calendar
The Date property indicates the date (month) being shown
in the calendar panel. The AllowSelectDate
property indicates the keys combination so the user can select new dates in
the calendar panel, and so, new dates to be shown in the schedule view. Use
the Selection/SelectDate
property to change programmatically the dates being selected in the calendar, including the
dates to be shown in the schedule view. You can use the Selection/SelCount/SelDate
property to retrieve the selected dates. The DateFromPoint
property indicates the date from the cursor in the calendar panel. The DateTimeFromPoint
property indicates the date/time from the cursor on the schedule panel. The TimeFromPoint
property indicates the time from the cursor on the schedule panel. The FirstVisibleDate/LastVisibleDate
property indicates the first visible date in the calendar panel.