constants BackgroundPartEnum
The BackgroundPartEnum type indicates the UI parts of the control, whose background or foreground colors can be changed. The background can be a solid color or an EBN object. The Background property of the control specifies the background/foreground color of a specified UI part of the control. The /NET or /WPF version of the control provides the get_Background/get_Background32 properties to get a color for a specified UI part, and set_Background/set_Background32 for changing the part's background or foreground colors. The eXSchedule tool may display two panels, the calendar and the schedule panel. 

The options that starts with exCalendar refer to a part of the Calendar panel as shown bellow:

while if the option starts with exSchedule it refers an UI part of the schedule panel as:

The BackgroundPartEnum type supports the following values.

exCalendarArrowUp0 Specifies the visual appearance for the up arrow in the calendar's header.  
exCalendarArrowDown1 Specifies the visual appearance for the down arrow in the calendar's header.
exCalendarArrowLeft2 Specifies the visual appearance for the left arrow in the calendar's header. You can use the MinDate property to limit the dates that the calendar can show. When the calendar has no other dates to show, the left or right arrows are not shown. The MaxDate property indicates the upper margin that the calendar can show.
exCalendarArrowRight3 Specifies the visual appearance for the right arrow in the calendar's header. You can use the MinDate property to limit the dates that the calendar can show. When the calendar has no other dates to show, the left or right arrows are not shown. The MaxDate property indicates the upper margin that the calendar can show.
exCalendarBackColor4 Specifies the calendar's background color. The Background(exCalendarBackColor) property changes the calendar's panel backcolor if not-zero, else the BackColor property specifies the calendar's background color.  
exCalendarForeColor5 Specifies the calendar's foreground color. The Background(exCalendarForeColor) property changes the calendar's panel foreground color. If this option is not set, the control's ForeColor property indicates the calendar's foreground color.
exCalendarDaysHeader6 Specifies the visual appearance for the days header.
exCalendarWeeksHeader7 Specifies the visual appearance for the weeks header.
exCalendarHeader8 Specifies the visual appearance for the months header in the calendar panel.
exCalendarTodayUp9 Specifies the visual appearance for the today button in the calendar panel, when it is up. Use the ShowTodayButton property to hide the Today button. 
exCalendarTodayDown10 Specifies the visual appearance for the today button in the calendar panel, when it is down. Use the ShowTodayButton property to hide the Today button.
exCalendarScrollThumb11 Specifies the visual appearance for the scrolling thumb in the calendar panel. The ShowYearScroll property indicates whether the calendar panel displays an horizontal scroll bar to allow the user to change the calendar's year.
exCalendarScrollRange12 Specifies the visual appearance for the scrolling range in the calendar panel. The ShowYearScroll property indicates whether the calendar panel displays an horizontal scroll bar to allow the user to change the calendar's year.
exCalendarSplitBar13 Specifies the visual appearance for the separator bar in the calendar panel.
exCalendarMarkToday14 Returns or sets a value that indicates the visual appearance for Today date, in the calendar panel. The exScheduleMarkTodayBackColor option changes the visual appearance for Today date, in the schedule panel. 
exCalendarMonthSelect15 Specifies the visual appearance for the selected month in the months drop down window.
exCalendarMonthSelectForeColor16 Specifies the foreground color for the selected month in the months drop down window.
exCalendarGridLineColor17 Specifies the color to show the calendar's grid lines. The ShowGridLines property indicates the type of grid lines to be shown in the calendar.
exSplitBar18 Specifies the visual appearance for control's vertical split bar.
exCalendarSelBackColor19 Specifies the calendar's background color for selected dates. The AllowSelectDate property specifies the keys combination that user can use to select dates in the calendar panel. The AllowSelectDateRect specifies the keys combination so the user can do a rectangular selection in the calendar panel. 
exCalendarSelForeColor20 Specifies the calendar's foreground color for selected dates. The AllowSelectDate property specifies the keys combination that user can use to select dates in the calendar panel. The AllowSelectDateRect specifies the keys combination so the user can do a rectangular selection in the calendar panel.
exCalendarHeaderForeColor21 Specifies the foreground color to show the months in the header.
exCalendarBorderLineColor26 exCalendarBorderLineColor. Specifies the color to show the calendar's border lines.
exCalendarCommentDate27 exCalendarCommentDate. Specifies the visual appearance to show the dates in the calendar with a tooltip assigned.
exCalendarDaysHeaderForeColor28 Specifies the foreground color for the days header.
exCalendarWeeksHeaderForeColor29 Specifies the foreground color for the weeks header.
exCalendarMarkTodayForeColor30 Specifies the foreground color for the today date, in the calendar panel. The exScheduleMarkTodayForeColor option changes the visual appearance for Today date, in the schedule panel.
exCalendarTodayForeColor31 Specifies the foreground color for the Today button, in the calendar panel. Use the ShowTodayButton property to hide the Today button.
exCalendarFocusDate32 Specifies visual appearance for the focused date, in the calendar panel. The AllowFocusDate property on exDisallow disables focusing a date that's not being selected.
exCalendarFocusDateForeColor33 Specifies foreground color for the focused date, in the calendar panel. The AllowFocusDate property on exDisallow disables focusing a date that's not being selected.
exScheduleBorderDateColor34 Specifies color to display the border for the dates.
exScheduleBorderMonthColor35 Specifies color to display the border for the months.
exScheduleBorderSelColor36 Specifies color to display the border for selected dates.
exScheduleBorderSelColorUnFocus37 Specifies color to display the border for selected dates, when the control has not focus.
exScheduleBorderTimeScaleColor38 Specifies the color to display the border for time scales.
exScheduleTimeScaleBackColor39 Specifies the color to display the time scale's default background color.
exScheduleTimeScaleForeColor40 Specifies the foreground color to display the time scale.
exScheduleDayHeaderBackColor41 Specifies the visual appearance of the header's day in the schedule view.
exScheduleDayHeaderForeColor42 Specifies the foreground color of the header's day in the schedule view.
exScheduleDayGroupBackColor43 Specifies the visual appearance of the group in the header's day of the schedule view.
exScheduleDayGroupForeColor44 Specifies the foreground color of the group in the header's day of the schedule view.
exScheduleDayTimeBackColor45 Specifies the visual appearance of the time scale in the day of the schedule view.
exScheduleDayTimeForeColor46 Specifies the foreground color of the time scale in the day of the schedule view.
exScheduleTimeScaleRulerBackColor47 Specifies the visual appearance of the time ruler.
exScheduleTimeScaleRulerForeColor48 Specifies the foreground color of the time ruler.
exScheduleTimeScaleMajorRulerColor49 Specifies the color to show the line of the major time ruler.
exScheduleTimeScaleMajorRulerStyle50 Specifies the style of the line of the major time ruler. The Background(exScheduleTimeScaleMajorRulerStyle) property indicates a LinesStyleEnum expression that determines style of lines to be shown on major rulers
exScheduleTimeScaleMinorRulerColor51 Specifies the color to show the line of the minor time ruler.
exScheduleTimeScaleMinorRulerStyle52 Specifies the style of the line of the minor time ruler.
exScheduleMajorTimeRulerColor53 Specifies the color to show the line of the major time ruler in the schedule panel.
exScheduleMajorTimeScaleStyle54 Specifies the style of the line of the major time ruler in the schedule panel.
exScheduleMinorTimeScaleColor55 Specifies the color to show the line of the minor time ruler in the schedule panel.
exScheduleMinorTimeScaleStyle56 Specifies the style of the line of the minor time ruler in the schedule panel.
exScheduleBorderGroupColor57 Specifies color to display the border between groups.
exScheduleGroupingButton58 Specifies the visual appearance for the drop down grouping button.
exGroupingBackColor59 Specifies the background color for the drop down grouping view.
exGroupingForeColor60 Specifies the foreground color for the drop down grouping view.
exGroupingSelBackColor61 Specifies the visual appearance to display the selected items in the drop down grouping view.
exGroupingSelForeColor62 Specifies the foreground color to show the selected items in the drop down grouping view.
exToolTipAppearance64 Specifies the visual appearance of the borders of the tooltips.
exToolTipBackColor65 Specifies the tooltip's background color.
exToolTipForeColor66 Specifies the tooltip's foreground color.
exCalendarSelBackColorUnFocus68 Specifies the background color for selected object when the control loses the focus.
exCalendarSelForeColorUnFocus69 Specifies the foreground color for selected object when the control loses the focus.
exCheckBoxState070 Specifies the visual appearance for the check box in 0 state (unchecked).
exCheckBoxState171 Specifies the visual appearance for the check box in 1 state (checked).
exCheckBoxState272 Specifies the visual appearance for the check box in 2 state (partial, not used).
exRadioButtonState073 Specifies the visual appearance for the radio button in 0 state (unchecked).
exRadioButtonState174 Specifies the visual appearance for the radio button in 1 state (checked).
exScheduleCreateEventBackColor75 Specifies the visual appearance of the event being created. The CreateEventLabel property specifies the label to be shown when the user creates a new event. The CreateEventLabelAlign property indicates the alignment of the label while user creates new events. The Add method adds programmatically a new event to the control.
exScheduleCreateEventForeColor76 Indicates the foreground color for the event being created. The CreateEventLabel property specifies the label to be shown when the user creates a new event. The CreateEventLabelAlign property indicates the alignment of the label while user creates new events. The Add method adds programmatically a new event to the control.
exScheduleEventContinuePrevDay77 Specifies the visual appearance of the sign that's shown when the current event continues on the previously day.
exScheduleEventContinueNextDay78 Specifies the visual appearance of the sign that's shown when the current event continues on the next day.
exScheduleUpdateEventsBackColor79 Specifies the visual appearance of the event being moved or resized.
exScheduleUpdateEventsForeColor80 Indicates the foreground color for the event being moved or resized.
exScheduleMarkTodayBackColor81 Specifies the background color for the today date, in the schedule panel.
exScheduleMarkTodayForeColor82 Specifies the foreground color for the today date, in the schedule panel.
exScheduleEditEventBackColor83 Specifies the background color while editing an event. The Editable property indicates whether the user can edit the event's label at runtime.
exScheduleEditEventForeColor84 Specifies the foreground color while editing an event. The Editable property indicates whether the user can edit the event's label at runtime.
exScheduleEventContinuePrevWeek85 Specifies the visual appearance of the sign that's shown when the current all-day event continues on the previously week. If this option is 0 (by default) a left-arrow icon is being displayed. You can use this option to specify the visual appearance using the EBN objects.
exScheduleEventContinueNextWeek86 Specifies the visual appearance of the sign that's shown when the current all-day event continues on the next week. If this option is 0 (by default) a right-arrow icon is being displayed. You can use this option to specify the visual appearance using the EBN objects.
exScheduleAllDayHeaderBackColor87 exScheduleAllDayHeaderBackColor. Specifies the visual appearance of the control's All-Day header.
exScheduleOLEDropPosition97 By default, the exScheduleOLEDropPosition is 0, which means no effect. Specifies the visual appearance of the dropping position inside the schedule part of the control, when the control is implied in a OLE Drag and Drop operation. The exScheduleOLEDropPosition has effect only if different than 0, and the OLEDropMode property is not exOLEDropNone. For instance, set the Background(exScheduleOLEDropPosition) property on RGB(0,0,255), and a blue line is shown at the date-time position when the cursor is hover the schedule part of the control, during an OLE Drag and Drop position. The OLEDragDrop event notifies your application once an object is drop in the control. 
exContextMenuAppearance99 Specifies the visual appearance of the control's context menu.
exContextMenuBackColor100 Specifies the solid background color for the control's context menu.
exContextMenuForeColor101 Specifies the text foreground color for the control's context menu.
exContextMenuSelBackColor102 Specifies the solid/EBN selection's background color in the control's context menu.
exContextMenuSelBorderColor103 Specifies the solid color to show the selection in the control's context menu.
exContextMenuSelForeColor104 Specifies the selection's text foreground color in the control's context menu.
exScheduleDayBackColorAlternate159 Specifies the visual appearance for alternate days.
exScheduleDayForeColorAlternate160 Specifies the foreground color for alternate days.
exScheduleAllDayEventScrollBackColor165 Specifies the visual appearance to put on the all-day events header, when it contains scrolling events. The AllowAllDayEventScroll property gets or sets a value that specifies whether the all-day event header supports scrolling.
exVSUp256 The up button in normal state.
exVSUpP257 The up button when it is pressed.
exVSUpD258 The up button when it is disabled.
exVSUpH259 The up button when the cursor hovers it.
exVSThumb260 The thumb part (exThumbPart) in normal state.
exVSThumbP261 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is pressed.
exVSThumbD262 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is disabled.
exVSThumbH263 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when cursor hovers it.
exVSDown264 The down button in normal state.
exVSDownP265 The down button when it is pressed.
exVSDownD266 The down button when it is disabled.
exVSDownH267 The down button when the cursor hovers it.
exVSLower268 The lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) in normal state.
exVSLowerP269 The lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) when it is pressed.
exVSLowerD270 The lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) when it is disabled.
exVSLowerH271 The lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSUpper272 The upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) in normal state.
exVSUpperP273 The upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) when it is pressed.
exVSUpperD274 The upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) when it is disabled.
exVSUpperH275 The upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSBack276 The background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) in normal state.
exVSBackP277 The background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) when it is pressed.
exVSBackD278 The background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) when it is disabled.
exVSBackH279 The background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSLeft384 The left button in normal state.
exHSLeftP385 The left button when it is pressed.
exHSLeftD386 The left button when it is disabled.
exHSLeftH387 The left button when the cursor hovers it.
exHSThumb388 The thumb part (exThumbPart) in normal state.
exHSThumbP389 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is pressed.
exHSThumbD390 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is disabled.
exHSThumbH391 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSRight392 The right button in normal state.
exHSRightP393 The right button when it is pressed.
exHSRightD394 The right button when it is disabled.
exHSRightH395 The right button when the cursor hovers it.
exHSLower396 The lower part (exLowerBackPart) in normal state.
exHSLowerP397 The lower part (exLowerBackPart) when it is pressed.
exHSLowerD398 The lower part (exLowerBackPart) when it is disabled.
exHSLowerH399 The lower part (exLowerBackPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSUpper400 The upper part (exUpperBackPart) in normal state.
exHSUpperP401 The upper part (exUpperBackPart) when it is pressed.
exHSUpperD402 The upper part (exUpperBackPart) when it is disabled.
exHSUpperH403 The upper part (exUpperBackPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSBack404 The background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) in normal state.
exHSBackP405 The background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) when it is pressed.
exHSBackD406 The background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) when it is disabled.
exHSBackH407 The background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exSBtn324 All button parts ( L1-L5, LButton, exThumbPart, RButton, R1-R6 ), in normal state.
exSBtnP325 All button parts ( L1-L5, LButton, exThumbPart, RButton, R1-R6 ), when it is pressed.
exSBtnD326 All button parts ( L1-L5, LButton, exThumbPart, RButton, R1-R6 ), when it is disabled.
exSBtnH327 All button parts ( L1-L5, LButton, exThumbPart, RButton, R1-R6 ), when the cursor hovers it .
exScrollHoverAll500 Enables or disables the hover-all feature. By default (Background(exScrollHoverAll) = 0), the left/top, right/bottom and thumb parts of the control' scrollbars are displayed in hover state while the cursor hovers any part of the scroll bar (hover-all feature). The hover-all feature is available on Windows 11 or greater, if only left/top, right/bottom, thumb, lower and upper-background parts of the scrollbar are visible, no custom visual-appearance is applied to any visible part. The hover-all feature is always on If Background(exScrollHoverAll) = -1. The Background(exScrollHoverAll) = 1 disables the hover-all feature.
exVSThumbExt503 The thumb-extension part in normal state.
exVSThumbExtP504 The thumb-extension part when it is pressed.
exVSThumbExtD505 The thumb-extension part when it is disabled.
exVSThumbExtH506 The thumb-extension when the cursor hovers it.
exHSThumbExt507 The thumb-extension in normal state.
exHSThumbExtP508 The thumb-extension when it is pressed.
exHSThumbExtD509 The thumb-extension when it is disabled.
exHSThumbExtH510 The thumb-extension when the cursor hovers it.
exScrollSizeGrip511 Specifies the visual appearance of the control's size grip when both scrollbars are shown.