method Record.CustomLayout (X as Variant, Y as Variant)
Specifies an array of relative positions that are used when the control arranges the fields on the page.

X as Variant A safe array of numeric values that indicates the x coordinate, a numeric value that indicates the x position being inserted. A positive value means the absolute position. A negative value means a relative position, For instance, the 100 means that the field will be positioned at 100 pixels from the left side of the control's client area. The -.5 means that the field will be positioned at the center of the control's client area.
Y as Variant A safe array of numeric values that indicates the y coordinate, a numeric value that indicates the y position being inserted. A positive value means the absolute position. A negative value means a relative position, For instance, the 100 means that the field will be positioned at 100 pixels from the top side of the control's client area. The -.5 means that the field will be positioned at the center of the control's client area.
The CustomLayout method adds new coordinates for arranging the fields when Layout property is exCustomLayout. The CustomLayout method has effect only if the Layout property is exCustomLayout. Use the CustomLayout property to arrange the fields  in a custom order. Use the Position property to change the position of the editor. Please be aware that calling the Layout property erases all previous position being added by the CustomLayout method. The CustomLayout method must be called after calling the Layout property. Use the FieldWidth property to specify the width of the fields/editors.

The following VB sample arranges the fields from the left to the right:

With Record1
   .FieldWidth = 96
   .Layout = exLeftToRight
   Dim i As Long
   For i = 1 To 10
    With .Add("Editor <b>" & i & "</b>", EditType)
        .Value = i
    End With
End With

The following VB sample arranges the fields from the top to the bottom:

With Record1
   .FieldWidth = 96
   .Layout = exTopToBottom
   Dim i As Long
   For i = 1 To 10
    With .Add("Editor <b>" & i & "</b>", EditType)
        .Value = i
    End With
End With

The following VB sample arranges the fields in a circle:

Dim n As Long, pi As Double
pi = 3.1415
n = 10
With Record1
   .FieldWidth = 96
   .Layout = exCustomLayout
   Dim i As Long
   For i = 1 To n
    With .Add("Editor <b>" & i & "</b>", EditType)
        .Value = i
        ' If negative numbers are used, the absolute value represents the coordinate proportionally with the control's size. In this case the control is consider as being 0..1
        Record1.CustomLayout -(0.5 + Sin(i * 2 * pi / n) / 2), -(0.5 + Cos(i * 2 * pi / n) / 2)
    End With
End With