constants RadialMenuStateEnum
The RadialMenuStateEnum type specifies the radial menu's states. The State property specifies the state of the radial menu. The AllowToggleExpand property specifies whether the radial menu can be shown in collapsed state. The Expanded property indicates whether the radial menu is expanded or collapsed. The RadialMenuStateEnum type supports the following values.

exRadialMenuCollapsed0 The radial menu is shown collapsed ( Expanded property is False )
exRadialMenuExpandedNoItems1 The radial menu is shown expanded, when it contains no items ( Expanded property is True, Count property is 0 )
exRadialMenuExpandedRootItem2 The radial menu browses the root item, expanded, and it contains child-items ( Expanded property is True, Count property is not 0 )
exRadialMenuExpandedChildItem3 The radial menu browses a child item, expanded.
exRadialMenuMissingInheritItemImage4 Only for internal use.
exRadialMenuStateAll-1 Indicates all states of the radial menu.